About the Flagship
Innovation depends on the successful nurture, attraction and retention of talented individuals and a diverse array of skills. High quality education and attractive working conditions are thus key to attracting and ensuring a flow of highly skilled and talented individuals that can contribute to achieving wider policy priorities including the twin transition and a competitive edge in strategic value chains. In the light of the adopted New European Innovation Agenda, actions have been established to ensure European retain and attract talent from across Europe and beyond.
The European Institute for Innovation and Technology (EIT) is implementing The Deep Tech Talent Initiative by skilling one million people in deep tech fields by 2025. This pioneering talent development initiative will secure the future of Europe’s competitiveness and address the most pressing global challenges by promoting cutting-edge technologies and a sustainable entrepreneurship and innovation culture in education and training.
At the end of September 2024, the 1 million mark of pledgers was almost reached, with more than 990 000 pledged talents trained by almost 400 pledgers. The website reports also over 130 DTTI courses. More than 500 000 talents have already completed their training.
The Deep Tech Talent Training Prizes were awarded in November 2023, Prizes of up to 60 000 EUR, with a total budget of 1 million EUR.
The DTTI Call for training proposals was launched in April 2023, with up to 20 projects to be funded, for a total budget up to 2 million EUR.
Relevant links
Innovation Internship Scheme
- Ongoing
- Q2 2023
- Q3 2023
Evaluation and announcement of results
- Q1 2024
Start of the scheme
The European Innovation Council (EIC) has launched the Next Generation Innovation Talents Scheme in the first quarter of 2024. The Scheme offers over 600 internships in EIC and EIT supported companies to researchers and aspiring innovators from various Horizon Europe funded programmes. It allows to the participating companies and interns to benefit from each other’s knowledge and experience thus boosting further the research and innovation potential of the EU. The scheme will be implemented in collaboration with the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) and its Knowledge and Innovation Communities, the European Research Council, Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions and the Horizon Europe Research Infrastructure programme.
Digital Europe programme
- Completed
- 4 July – 21 November 2024
Open call for applications Specialised Education Programmes in Key Capacity Areas (until 17:00 CET)
- Indicative December 2024
Publication of the Digital Work programme 2025-27
The European Commission will continue to provide training support to Higher Education Institutes (HEIs), including European Universities Alliances, businesses and research and innovation centres through the Digital Europe programme. To support the future deployment of digital technologies across all economic sectors, education programmes and training will be provided to boost the number of ICT specialists in fields such as data science, artificial intelligence, cybersecurity, edge computing and virtual worlds and the number of sector specialists equip with advanced digital skills (e.g. medical doctors, experts for the green transition, civil servants). Under the Digital Europe Programme additional calls for support actions were launched, the “Digital Skills and Jobs Platform”, the “Girls and women in digital” and the “Data Space for skills”.
Relevant links
Launch Innovation Talent Platform
- Ongoing
- 21 March 2023
Launch of the first phase of the Platform
- Q3 2023
Launch of the second phase of the Platform
- Q1 2024
Implementation phase
In partnership with interested Member States and stakeholders, European Commission will design an EU-wide Innovation Talent Platform, a matching tool to help European businesses, including startups, to find the talents that they are not able to find in the European labour market. This will increase the mobility of skilled individuals towards and within Europe through international recruitment and by supporting matchmaking between EU-based employers and qualified nationals of non-EU countries wishing to work and move legally to the EU.
Stock options
- Completed
- 7 December 2022
Endorsement of the Working Group by the EIC Forum Plenary
- 28 March 2023
Kick off meeting and launch of the Working Group
- March – December 2023
Working Group progress and report
- March-December 2024
Working Group progress and report
The European Commission has established a working group on employees’ stock options under the EIC Forum to explore approaches to tackle the administrative barriers that currently limit the uptake of employees’ stock options across the EU. The Forum will in the first instance allow the Commission and Member States to exchange information and share best practice with a view to facilitating a coordinated approach across the EU.
Establish women leading deep-tech innovation
- Completed
- 19 December 2023 – 21 January 2024
- 20 February 2024
Introductory workshop and mentor speed dating, online
- 5 March 2024
Kick-off meeting and launch of the programme
- May 2024
Awards Ceremony
To support the role of women in innovation and tech, the European Innovation Council (EIC), in partnership with the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) offer a skills enhancement and networking programme for women researchers and entrepreneurs - the Women Leadership Programme (WLP). The programme empowers women to advance in their careers by leading the transition of their research to market, creating their own spin-off or spinouts, or taking over leading positions in existing companies. It helps women entrepreneurs reinforce their leadership role and obtain follow up investments.
The programme consists of joint training sessions, individual personal mentoring and business coaching and networking opportunities. Three cohorts supporting more than 180 participants have been implemented so far. In the third , EIC has partnered with EIT and included in the programme women talents coming from the EIT community. The partnership continues for the fourth cohort, aimed at onboarding women founders, co-founders, and leaders in C-suite positions, taking place between February and May 2024. The programme is confirmed to continue in 2025.
Building on the success from the previous editions of the Women Leadership Programme, the EIC has launched a new fifth cohort, running from April - June 2024.
This 5th WLP cohort is open to EIC female researchers and aspiring female leaders from the EIC Pathfinder and EIC Transition schemes, and is specifically designed to offer the necessary tools and support to enhance their leadership skills.
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Establish a peer learning education and innovation practice community
- Completed
- October 2022
- Q3 2024
End date
The European Commission, in partnership with the OECD, established and is developing a peer learning education and innovation practice community. To cultivate the competencies needed to drive deep-tech innovation and foster the twin green and digital transition, this Community is contributing to more effective policymaking by spurring innovation in education. Interested stakeholders (education institutions, policymakers and businesses) reflect on a holistic approach towards three strands of work: (i) fostering innovation skills and mindsets from secondary education, (ii) supporting higher education institutions in integrating innovation in their curriculum and (iii) expanding the role of higher education institutions and adult learning providers in up- and reskilling strategies.
Over 900 active members from all EU countries and beyond joint this Community. They participate in info webinars, international knowledge exchange events, national advisory peer learning workshops, providing ideas, suggesting innovative practices through calls for case studies and interviews. For each strand of work, the Community’s activities are summarised into analytical reports and the key findings are described into the innovation bulletins.
Relevant links
Register to join the EIPC network
Read the Innovation Bulletin #1
Extending the EIT Girls Go Circular Project to cover all EU Member States
- Completed
- June 2023
- By December 2023
38.000 girls trained in 24 countries
- 2024
End date
The Girls Go Circular Project aims to equip by 2024 40,000 schoolgirls, aged 14-19, across Europe with digital and entrepreneurial skills through an online learning programme about the circular economy. The project’s online learning platform ‘Circular Learning Space’ currently offers 18 learning modules in 16 different languages co-developed by the EIT community. These modules employ a hands-on learning approach, engaging students in online research, entrepreneurial role-plays, and challenge-based exercises. The platform is open to everyone, allowing users to sign up for the courses at any time.
In addition to expanding the project to all EU Member States, innovative learning materials with a focus on deep tech, aligned with the EIT Deep Tech Talent Initiative, will raise girls’ awareness about deep tech subjects.
Girls Go Circular has realised its goals with over 47 000 girls trained in 30 countries, including all EU Member States. New learning modules on deep tech subjects have been developed as a first introduction to the topic.
Erasmus+ Alliances for Innovation
- Completed
- 5 December 2023 – 7 March 2024
Call for proposals launched
- 2027
End date
The Erasmus+ Alliances for Innovation foster Europe’s innovation capacity through cooperation and flow of knowledge among higher education, vocational education and training (both initial and continuous), and the broader socio-economic environment. These transnational partnerships aim at closing the gaps between academia and industry, providing new skills and innovative teaching approaches for the green and digital transitions. They also intend to support and complement the development of incubators within HEIs, in close cooperation with the entrepreneurial sector and VET, to attract and retain talent and help young innovators turn their ideas into businesses.
From 2023, deep tech skills development has been added as one of the priorities of the Erasmus+ Alliances for Innovation. For the 2023 call, 32 projects have been selected and as of January 2024 their work has kicked off in several sectors, including AI, gaming, manufacturing, and deep tech innovation.
The 2024 call for proposals was closed on 7 March 2024 and is under evaluation.
Relevant links
Member States and Associated Countries actions supporting the New European Innovation Agenda
At the Competitiveness Council in December 2022, following the adoption of Council Conclusions on New European Innovation Agenda (NEIA), the Commission launched a call to governments to announce actions in support of the NEIA. This announcement was based on the understanding that full support and engagement from the Member States and Associated Countries is needed to ensure the implementation of the NEIA.
The actions were gathered through the EIC Forum, a group of Member States and Associated Countries' public authorities and bodies in charge of innovation policies and programmes, with the aim of promoting coordination and dialogue on the development of the Union's innovation ecosystem.
Title | Description | Scope | Status | More information |
Austrian Business Agency (ABA) - Work in Austria | 'Work In Austria' is Austria’s center of competence for the search for international talent provides support international experts from all over the world including residence titles, work location and living conditions etc. | National | Ongoing | Website |
'Female Innovators Programme‘ (FFG-Innovatorinnen-Programm) | Targeted support for highly qualified female professionals in applied research and innovatin in areas including design and activites, at leadership, networking etc. | National | Ongoing | Website |
Title | Description | Scope | Status | More information |
Flanders AI academy | To develop deeptech skills in Artificial Intelligence for researchers to boost academic carreers in AI areas, and to cooperate on a multidisciplinary basis in areas of machine learning, algorithms, data science and to provide AI training for companies. | Regional | Ongoing | Website |
Title | Description | Scope | Status | More information |
New "Blue Card" regime | Bulgaria has created a new "Blue Card" regime – a mechanism for rapid processing and issuance of work permits for a period of up to 4 years to highly qualified specialists with university degree from countries outside the European Union. Furthermore, a new “fast track” procedure applies to groups of a minimum of 10 employees, and it is intended for companies aiming to relocate their offices and their employees from non-EU countries. The single point of communication for the Blue Card proceedings is the Ministry of Innovation and Growth | National | Ongoing | EISMEA-RTD-EICFORUMec [dot] europa [dot] eu (Contact) |
StartUp Visa | To develop deeptech skills in Artificial Intelligence for researchers to boost academic carreers in AI areas, and to cooperate on a multidisciplinary basis in areas of machine learning, algorithms, data science and to provide AI training for companies. | National | Ongoing | Website |
INSAIT – Institute for Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence and Technology | INSAIT's mission is to establish a first-of-its-kind research institute for computer science and artificial intelligence in Eastern Europe with sole focus on scientific excellence. It is expected to have transformational effects on society and economy at large by attracting high-quality diverse talent to the region, preventing brain drain, creating new state-of-the-art educational programs, pushing towards a more product-driven economy by inventing high-valued intellectual property (IP), enabling deep research-guided technological companies, attracting big technology companies, and many more | National | Ongoing | Website |
GATE - Big Data for Smart Society Institute | Joint initiative between Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski", Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden, and Chalmers Industrial Technology Foundation, Sweden. GATE's research includes four major cutting-edge technology focuses on AI and smart data-driven decision-making models, data visualisation, data analysis and data management, as well as engineering of big data-based systems. GATE develops research capacity and potential by cultivating the next generation of leading scientists by expanding the existing research network and establishing long-term agreements with leading global organisations | National | Ongoing | Website |
National Skills Strategy | Development of a comprehensive strategy and action plan for skills development in Bulgaria in collaboration with the OECD | National | Ongoing | EISMEA-RTD-EICFORUMec [dot] europa [dot] eu (Contact) |
Title | Description | Scope | Status | More information |
Creating a Framework for Attracting Students and Researchers to STEM And ICT Fields | A new incentive framework for the advancement and career development of researchers in STEM and ICT fields, including new incentive conditions for working in research ecosystem and open access to technological infrastructures for connecting academia and business sectors | National | Ongoing | EISMEA-RTD-EICFORUMec [dot] europa [dot] eu (Contact) |
Action Plan for Mobility of Researchers | The aim of the Action Plan is to support employment of foreign researchers, improving working conditions and development of effective support to researchers mobility by stimulating international, interdisciplinary and intersectoral mobility | National | Planned for future | EISMEA-RTD-EICFORUMec [dot] europa [dot] eu (Contact) |
Entrepreneurship Traineeship Programme | The purpose of the Programme is to support young researchers acquiring entrepreneurial skills for their research activities | National | Ongoing | EISMEA-RTD-EICFORUMec [dot] europa [dot] eu (Contact) |
Title | Description | Scope | Status | More information |
Cyprus startup visa scheme | Strengthening the Entrepreneurial Ecosystem and attracting technology talents (including deep tech talents). | National | Ongoing | EISMEA-RTD-EICFORUMec [dot] europa [dot] eu (Contact) |
Certificate for Innovative Companies | Enhance innovative SMEs with tax incentives to attract talent and investments in research and innovation. | National | Ongoing | Website |
Cyprus Scientific Visa | To encourage qualified Third Country Nationals to come and work as researchers by facilitating by the provision of a special visa / Temporary Residence Permit. | National | Ongoing | Website |
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Research Fellowships CZ | To contribute to the development of internationalization of the research and innovation environment, including the career growth of researchers and innovators). | European | Ongoing | EISMEA-RTD-EICFORUMec [dot] europa [dot] eu (Contact) |
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Industrial Ph.D and postdocs | Innovation Fund Denmark supports both Industrial PhD projects and Industrial postdoctoral projects within green rtechnologies,life sciences, and digitalisation. | National | Ongoing | Website |
Innoexplorer - programme | Program that aims to mature entrepreneurship based on knowledge and research results from the public Danish research and education institutions and hospitals. | National | Ongoing | Website |
InnoFounder | To accelerate the development of innovative entrepreneurial ideas from the early stages to encourage financial sustainability through sales or raising additional public or private investment. | National | Ongoing | Website |
Title | Description | Scope | Status | More information |
i-PhD | To support PhD candidates or young researchers willing to explore the possibility to turn their research results into a DeepTech start-up. | National | Ongoing | Website |
FrenchTech VISA | To attract international tech talent to France, the French Tech Visa provides a simplified procedure for inidviduals working in the Tech ecosystem. | Ongoing | Website |
Title | Description | Scope | Status | More information |
Technology Transfer Program | To facilitate the commercialization of scientific projects that respond to market needs. Within the framework of the program, technologies/innovations with potential for commercialization are selected for support. | European | Ongoing | Website |
Georgia Acceleration Program | The program involves the training of startups throughout Georgia and the region by '500 Global', a global venture capital company. | National | Ongoing | Website |
IT specialists training program | The program will provide professional training to qualified personnal in the most demanding and highly paid professions in the labor market. | National | Planned for future | Website |
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Umbrella portal of the German government "Make it in Germany" | This the German government's online umbrella portal for skilled workers from abroad on how to apply and complete the immigration formalities and make their way to Germany. | European | Ongoing | Website |
ProRecognition: Advice on the recognition of foreign professional qualifications | Advice for prospective immigrants on the opportunities for professional recognition while still in their home country. | European | Ongoing | Website |
Title | Description | Scope | Status | More information |
Industrial PhDs | This action refers to the funding of an Industrial PhD scheme, for industrially focused research projects which will be conducted jointly by a private sector company, Industrial PhD student and university. | National | Ongoing | Website |
Collaborating professors | Transfer of teaching and/or research experience from abroad to national HEIs. | European | Ongoing | EISMEA-RTD-EICFORUMec [dot] europa [dot] eu (Contact) |
Visiting professors/Visiting Researchers | Strengthen connections between universities and the market, to facilitate knowledge transfer and boost innovation through funding of distinguished academic staff and researchers in foreign academic institutions to join Greek universities. | European | Ongoing | Website |
Title | Description | Scope | Status | More information |
Providing a predictable career path for Hungarian researchers | Research Excellence Council set up under the John von Neumann Programme aims to organise excellence-based research proposals into a single, independent system by setting up a Research Council-type body, in line with international practice | National | Ongoing | Website |
Competence Centres | Competence Centres are knowledge centres operating as matrix organisations linking knowledge transfer organisations and companies. Based on their activities, future university courses or dual PhD programmes may be established | European | Ongoing | EISMEA-RTD-EICFORUMec [dot] europa [dot] eu (Contact) |
Title | Description | Scope | Status | More information |
Tyndall National Institute | Delivery of Tyndall's International Positioning, and People and Culture Strategic Goals, inlcuding attract and retain the best deep-tech talent, developing career development pathways and strategic partnerships. | National | Ongoing | Website |
Innovators’ Initiative | Enterprise Ireland Innovators’ Initiative will attract high calibre individuals and teams who will be supported to generate new product and process ideas, new IP and in some cases, the creation of high-potential-start-ups (HPSUs). | National | Ongoing | Website |
Title | Description | Scope | Status | More information |
Recruitment of ERC ‘researchers of excellence’ | Facilitating the recruitment of excellent researchers through a recruitment procedure by “direct call” to facilitate the recruitment of researchers permanently engaged abroad in research or teaching activities. | National | Ongoing | EISMEA-RTD-EICFORUMec [dot] europa [dot] eu (Contact) |
Title | Description | Scope | Status | More information |
Work in Lithuania’ | Work in Lithuania is a platform dedicated to encouraging highly-skilled professionals living abroad to build their careers in Lithuania | National | Ongoing | Website |
International House Program | Established in September 2021, International House Vilnius is a joint initiative of Go Vilnius, the city’s official tourism and business development agency, and Work in Lithuania, a talent attraction programme encouraging foreign talent to pursue careers in Lithuania | National | Ongoing | Website |
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EUMaster4HPC | Advanced education and training in High Performance Computing (HPC) and its applicability to HPDA and AI is essential for strengthening the world-class European HPC ecosystem. | European | Ongoing | Website |
Title | Description | Scope | Status | More information |
Startup Residence | The Malta Startup Residence Programme grants a 3-year residence permit, extendable for an additional 5 years, during which beneficiaries are able to reside in Malta while launching their startup venture. Intended for non-EU nationals, this competitive programme is specifically designed to facilitate the setting up of innovative startups and scale-ups in Malta whilst supporting the immigration process of their founders/co-founders, core employees and respective immediate family members | National | Ongoing | Website |
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Participation in the European University Ulysseus | To develop an excellence-recognized European University built upon the European values of social cohesion and respect for human rights. | European | Ongoing | EISMEA-RTD-EICFORUMec [dot] europa [dot] eu (Contact) |
Digital Academy | The Digital Academy will provide strong support to the process of digital transformation, including by creating opportunities for new forms of knowledge transfer, business, integration and focusing on the most relevant topics in the field | National | Ongoing | Website |
Participation in EIT HEI Initiative - ABCD project (University of Montenegro) | Regional / European | Ongoing | Website |
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Establishment of FAB LABS and MAKER SPACES | To provide suitable laboratory environments for developing innovative products and services in priority areas of science and technology. These laboratories will also be a place for cooperation between enetrprises, higher education and scientific institutions, and civil society organizations. | National | Ongoing | EISMEA-RTD-EICFORUMec [dot] europa [dot] eu (Contact) |
Title | Description | Scope | Status | More information |
White paper “Outlook on skills needs in Norway” | The report reviews the most important skills needs moving forward and provides direction for the government's policies in the coming years. | National | Ongoing | EISMEA-RTD-EICFORUMec [dot] europa [dot] eu (Contact) |
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IDEAS NCBR | Increasing the R&D&I potential in the field of artificial intelligence and digital economy in Poland by creating a platform connecting the academic and business environments | National | Ongoing | Website |
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Specialised funds for Technology Transfer | Promote the capitalisation of technology-based and innovative companies located in Spain, particularly public-private venture capital initiatives that invest in technology-based companies at the very early stages of development. | National | Ongoing | Website |
EOTEC Calls (CDTI) | Support the creation and consolidation of deep-tech-based companies thorugh financial grants for hiring a PhD holder for two years to enhance growth potential. | National | Ongoing | Website |
Plan for attracting and retaining scientific and innovative talent | Encourage the return, retention, and attraction of scientific and innovative talent to Spain through action measures on the development of scientific careers and removing barriers to international scientific talent. | National | Website |
Title | Description | Scope | Status | More information |
Switch to Sweden | The purpose is to facilitate for international talents to find suitable employers to more easily integrate in Sweden in a long-term perspective instead of leaving Sweden. | National | Ongoing | Website |
Vinnova call ”Attract, integrate and retain international excellence” | Financial support for employers to recruit research talent and MSCA Fellows. | National | Ongoing | Website |
Mobility x-Lab Sourcing Project - Lindholmens Science Park AB | To attract and retain innovative startups from India to collaborate with MobilityXlab's partner companies (CEVT, Ericsson, Polestar, Volvo Cars, Volvo Group, Veoneer and Zenseact) with the area of sustainable transport. | Regional | Ongoing | Website |
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TÜBİTAK 2209-B Industry Oriented Research Supporting Programme for University Students | The program aims to encourage students to carry out research projects that have the potential to be applied in industry and/or to solve the R&D problem of an industrial organization. | National | Ongoing | Website |
TÜBİTAK 2210 D - National Industrial MSc/MA Scholarship Program | MSc scholarships to graduate students to contribute to the improvement of human resources regarding Türkiye's research priorities in industrial fields. | National | Ongoing | Website |
TÜBİTAK 2244 - Industrial Doctorate Fellowship Program | PhD scholarships to graduate students to contribute to the improvement of human resources regarding Türkiye's research priorities in industrial fields. | National | Ongoing | Website |