Flagship 3: Accelerating and strengthening innovation in European Innovation Ecosystems across the EU and addressing the innovation divide - European Commission
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Flagship 3: Accelerating and strengthening innovation in European Innovation Ecosystems across the EU and addressing the innovation divide

About the Flagship

This flagship aims to accelerate innovation and unlock excellence across the EU through various tools. It focuses on creating the basis for the emergence of connected regional innovation valleys across the EU, notably involving regions with a lower innovation performance, by building on strategic areas of regional strength and specialisation, in support of key EU priorities.

Fostering connected regional deep-tech innovation valleys across the EU

Regional Innovation Valleys will bring together less and more innovative regions with a view to addressing the most burning challenges facing the EU, namely reducing the reliance on fossil fuels, increasing global food security, mastering the digital transformation (including cybersecurity), improving healthcare and achieving circularity.

As of 11 December 2024, 146 regions have received the Regional Innovation Valleys label as a recognition to their commitment to enhance the coordination and directionality of their R&I investment and policies, at regional level.

With an overall commitment of € 170 million for the Regional Innovation Valleys initiative, the first beneficiaries will receive approx €116 million, with nearly € 54 million from the European Innovation Ecosystems Work Programme under Horizon Europe and over € 62 million the Interregional Innovation Investments (I3) instrument under the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) for these valleys.

This newly established network of regions will enable them to:

  • work together based but not limited on their smart specialisation strategies, meeting specific local challenges and needs, whilst contributing to the Union’s strategic priorities; 
  • strengthen their R&I investments and policies and engage in interregional cooperation;
  • identify potentially relevant partners, by facilitating matchmaking and interconnections among those regions who are committed towards the same objectives;
  • prepare and/or implement joint innovation plans to constitute connected regional innovation valleys.

Selected Regional Innovation Valleys map


Regions identified as Regional Innovation Valleys


Relevant links

EU Preparatory action on innovation for place-based transformation and call for expression of interest

2023 Μatchmaking map: Regional Innovation Valleys


Pilot calls 2023 – useful links

Synergies between cohesion policy programmes and Horizon Europe

  • Completed

This action supported managing authorities of the cohesion synergies between cohesion policy programmes and Horizon Europe policy programmes, National Contact Points for Horizon Europe and project promoters to make a better use of opportunities to foster innovation in all regions. Through the integrated use of these key EU instruments, these synergies facilitated the deployment and uptake of advanced technologies funded through research and innovation programmes, and thereby increase their impact. The Commission notice of synergies between Horizon Europe and European Regional Development Fund programme.

Relevant links

Commission's note on synergies between Horizon Europe and the European Regional Development Fund programmes


Domain specific ecosystems

  • Ongoing
  • 1 March 2023

    Signature of the Hydrogen Valleys Declaration

  • 18 April 2023

    Call for proposals closure

  • May 2023

    H2V.EU - 50+ EU hydrogen valleys presentation launch

As part of the REPowerEU Plan, the European Commission has committed to boosting breakthrough innovation in renewable and low carbon hydrogen, a key technology for breaking the reliance on fossil fuels. Drawing on a EUR 200 million top-up from Horizon Europe, the number of Hydrogen Valleys in the EU will, starting in the fourth quarter of 2022, be doubled to reach 50 by 2025. These will cover several hydrogen applications and combine into an integrated regional ecosystem covering the entire value chain, aligned to regional requirements. The existing hydrogen valleys established in the EU will also be connected with one another to accelerate the rollout of the hydrogen economy in the EU, with funding under the Connecting Europe Facility.

Relevant links

REPowering the EU with Hydrogen Valleys: Clean Hydrogen Partnership invests EUR 105.4 million for funding 9 Hydrogen Valleys across Europe

Mission Innovation Hydrogen Valley: Project locations

European Innovation Space

  • Ongoing

The Commission will establish a virtual European Innovation Space  – a one stop shop for innovation ecosystems’ stakeholders, to support the circulation of ideas and access to research results, highlight the demand and supply of innovative solutions, and connect stakeholders to facilitate collaboration. It will provide all stakeholders with information on innovation challenges and opportunities (technology and market trends, intellectual property, demand, etc.) and facilitate the identification of functionalities, services and funding opportunities, public or private, to support the translation of ideas into activities and projects.

EIC Scaling Club under EIC Scale Up 100

  • Completed
  • January 2024

    Selection of companies completed

  • March 2024

    Announcement of selected companies during EIC Summit

  • April 2024

    Kick-off event launching the 1st cohort

  • 21-22 October 2024

Under the European Innovation Council Scale Up 100, the EIC is setting up an EIC Scaling Club, an exclusive community of 100 European high-growth deep-tech champions and future unicorns. The Club will engage companies in a pan-European network of scalers to share their peer experience and obtain exposure at the European level. It will provide the selected companies with tailored coaching and access to quality business partners such as corporates and investors.

The participating companies will come from the portfolio of EIC Awardees and other national and European innovation programmes or beyond. They will be selected based on the transformative solution of their deep technologies and growth performance while respecting the cohort’s geographical diversity and the gender balance of the leading teams.

Following the EIC Scale 100 Forum in October 2024, 72 new members will join the Club, forming a fully curated community of 120 European deep-tech scale-ups.

Relevant links

EIC Scaling Club

EIC Scaling Club under EIC Scale Up 100 

Scaling up with the European Innovation Council: launch of the new initiative to support Europe’s future deep tech champions


Member States and Associated Countries actions supporting the New European Innovation Agenda

At the Competitiveness Council in December 2022, following the adoption of Council Conclusions on New European Innovation Agenda (NEIA), the Commission launched a call to governments to announce actions in support of the NEIA. This announcement was based on the understanding that full support and engagement from the Member States and Associated Countries is needed to ensure the implementation of the NEIA. 

The actions were gathered through the EIC Forum, a group of Member States and Associated Countries' public authorities and bodies in charge of innovation policies and programmes, with the aim of promoting coordination and dialogue on the development of the Union's innovation ecosystem.