European Cultural Heritage Cloud – stakeholders survey - European Commission
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Research and innovation
  • News article
  • 30 September 2022
  • Brussels
  • Directorate-General for Research and Innovation
  • 1 min read

European Cultural Heritage Cloud – stakeholders survey

Following the R&I Days session dedicated to the European Collaborative Cloud for Cultural Heritage, a detailed online survey to really grasp the specific needs of the sector was launched.

Professionals in the field of Cultural Heritage who wish to join our efforts to preserve the European cultural collections are invited to share their thought in this questionnaire.

This follows the publication of the ex-ante impact assessment on the Collaborative Cloud conducted by eight independent experts.


The European Collaborative Cloud for Cultural Heritage will help safeguard European cultural treasures through a digital infrastructure with an envisaged budget of €110 million until 2025 from Horizon Europe. While mutually join and reinforce other European initiatives, the Cloud will be a unique infrastructure that will enable unprecedented transdisciplinary and large-scale collaboration between specialists, such as cultural heritage scholars, curators, archivists and conservators. It will provide cutting-edge technologies for digitalizing artefacts, researching artworks, and documenting data, all of which will significantly advance and add a new digital dimension to cultural heritage preservation, conservation, and restoration. It aims to facilitate the access to advanced technologies and remove barriers for smaller and remote institutions.

More information

Watch the session: A European Collaborative Cloud for Cultural Heritage

Cultural heritage and Cultural and Creative Industries


Publication date
30 September 2022
Directorate-General for Research and Innovation