Cultural Heritage and Cultural and Creative Industries (CCIs) - European Commission
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Research and innovation

Cultural Heritage and Cultural and Creative Industries (CCIs)

Research facilitated by the Commission in this area, funding, success stories, related policy briefs and related projects. 

Why Cultural Heritage and Cultural and Creative Industries are important

Cultural Heritage and Cultural and Creative Industries form a backbone of the EU's sustainable growth, social cohesion and competitiveness, playing a pivotal role in forging more resilient and inclusive European societies.  

Europe's cultural heritage sparks creativity, fosters wellbeing, contributes to prosperity and foments a sense of belonging. Although policy in this area is primarily the responsibility of Member States, the EU is committed to safeguarding and enhancing cultural heritage as well as to strengthening European cultural and creative industries through various targeted initiatives and funding programmes

Research and innovation are crucial to find evidence-based solutions to preserve and promote Europe’s Cultural Heritage and to support the sustainable competitiveness of the Cultural and Creative Industries. By supporting research and cooperation between scientists, stakeholders and professionals, the EU contributes to unlocking the full potential of Europe’s cultural heritage and cultural and creative industries to harness their transformative impact and competitive potential.

Activities under Horizon Europe

Under the previous research and innovation framework programme, Horizon 2020, more than €600 million was invested in research and innovation actions related to cultural heritage and the cultural and creative industries. A policy review titled Innovation in Cultural Heritage Research (March 2018) describes cutting-edge developments around these actions. Many success stories illustrate how research and innovation for culture and creativity strengthen and unite our societies.

Horizon Europe has dedicated a specific intervention area to innovative research on “European Cultural Heritage and the Cultural and Creative Industries”, placed under Cluster 2 “Culture, Creativity and Inclusive Society”. With a budget of €2.28 billon, of which around one third will go to cultural heritage and CCI related actions, this cluster aims to create a more resilient, inclusive and democratic European society. 

This is outlined in the Specific Programme Decision and the Horizon Europe Strategic Plans (2021-2024 and 2025-2027) as well as in successive work programmes with calls for proposals, which are available in the Funding and Tenders Portal. the Horizon Europe Strategic Plans (2021-2024 and 2025-2027) as well as in successive work programmes with calls for proposals, which are available in the Funding and Tenders Portal.


The Horizon Europe Cluster 2 destination 2 ‘Innovative research on European Cultural Heritage and the Cultural and Creative Industries’ aims to achieve the following impact: 

The full potential of cultural heritage, arts and cultural and creative industries and sectors as drivers of both sustainable innovation and a European sense of belonging is realised through a continuous engagement with society, citizens and economic sectors. 

To this end, a series of actions to support research and innovation have been launched, to achieve objectives along the following lines:  


Publication cover
  • Factsheet
  • 14 November 2024
Innovations for combatting trafficking in cultural goods

Cultural goods embody immense societal value spanning culture, art, history and science. At the same time, they often have a considerable economic or market value or are desirable to own. This puts them at risk of trafficking including by criminals with links to organised crime and, in some case, even terrorist groups. This type of trafficking has a devastating impact on cultural heritage, especially in areas of conflict and crises.

Publication cover
  • General publications
  • 13 August 2024
Driving a green, digital & innovative European cultural heritage: Projects from the 2023 call for proposals of Cluster 2

This publication will be used as a communication tool to showcase the R&I funding on Cultural Heritage to a wider audience, such as other researchers, policymakers, and the general public. It will also be used by other Commission services working in similar areas of Cultural Heritage. 

Publication cover
  • Factsheet
  • 9 August 2024
Shaping the future of cultural heritage

Exploring the nexus between the cultural heritage cloud, the common European data space for cultural heritage, and the European open science cloud.

Publication cover
  • Reports of cases
  • 25 April 2024
CORDIS results pack on cultural tourism

Sustainable cultural tourism puts cultural heritage and local communities at the centre of the decision-making process. This will drive good conservation practices and provide an authentic experience for visitors while supporting the local economy.

Driving a green, digital & innovative European cultural heritage

CORDIS pack on digital Cultural Heritage

Heritage at Risk: EU research and innovation for a more resilient cultural heritage 
CORDIS Results Pack | Report

Innovative solutions for cultural heritage

Innovation in cultural heritage research



We see cultural artefacts, hear music composed centuries ago and, if we are lucky, get to handle pieces that were created by long-forgotten makers. But what about bringing to life the smell of a historic scene, or an object no longer made?

In this episode of the CORDIScovery podcast we are looking at our cultural heritage from a different angle and revealing new insights.
