Expert group on the economic and societal impact of research and innovation (ESIR)
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Expert group on the economic and societal impact of research and innovation (ESIR)

What the ESIR expert group does, membership details, terms of reference and contact details

What is ESIR?

The Expert group on the economic and societal impact of research and innovation (ESIR) is a high-level expert group that provides evidence-based policy advice to the Commission on how to develop a forward-looking and transformative research and innovation policy.

Its 16 experts will provide independent advice on how EU research and innovation policy can best support the transformation of our economy and society throughout the social, green and digital transitions.

The group will address society's needs and most pressing challenges through: 

  • Policy briefs to provide European and national policy-makers with strategic advice on R&I and sustainability;
  • Organising outreach activities to fully engage with relevant stakeholders;
  • Fostering policy innovation to find new and more impactful public policies.

ESIR enters now its third (2024-2025) term, with a renewed mandate and a new composition.

ESIR will provide the Commission services with insightful and influential evidence-based policy advice on how to develop a forward-looking and transformative R&I policy agenda to achieve sustainability goals in Europe.

The group is chaired by Katherine Richardson, Professor in Biological Oceanography, Globe Institute & Leader Sustainability Science Centre at the University of Copenhagen, who will be supported by Andrea Renda as a Vice-Chair.

ESIR 2022-2023: Main achievements

ESIR members and community

ESIR is composed of 16 internationally recognised experts who cover sustainability issues from a variety of angles and involve their respective networks.

The experts come from diverse backgrounds like academia, business, think-tanks, public and private sectors, and cover a wide range of areas of expertise, such as sustainability, engineering, governance, energy, AI & digitalisation, innovation ecosystems, and economics.

The group emphasises co-creation in producing its outputs and activities. It actively engages with relevant stakeholders and reaches out to different communities to disseminate the group’s outputs.  

List of members

Watch the ESIR Opening plenary


Publication cover
  • Report
  • 13 June 2024
Why Europe needs a systemic R&I policy: Redefining competitiveness for long-term sustainability

This policy brief argues for a systemic approach to R&I policy in enabling an economic competitiveness articulated with the environmental and societal sustainability goals. 

Publication cover
  • Report
  • 13 June 2024
Combining regional strengths to narrow the EU innovation divide

This policy brief by the ESIR group discusses the regional innovation divide in Europe and the world. It outlines the main causes for the concentration of innovation in hubs, which are necessary for a strong innovation environment.

Publication cover
  • Report
  • 22 December 2023
Transformational education in poly-crisis

In this publication ESIR recognises the unique opportunity that the poly-crisis has provided, and seize this moment to instigate strategic, institutional renewal. It provides for comprehensive transformation of values culture, organization, decision-making processes, and the way education institutions interact with society by breaking down disciplinary silos, reconnecting research and teaching, and re-evaluating incentive structures and systems.



  • News article

This policy brief emphasises the need for anticipatory and comprehensive technology governance in Europe to address the rapid pace of technological innovation, ensuring alignment with societal values and planetary boundaries.

  • 1 min read