Cluster 2: Culture, Creativity and Inclusive society - European Commission
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Research and innovation

Cluster 2: Culture, Creativity and Inclusive society

Policy, strategy, how to apply and work programmes.

Policy and strategy

This cluster aims to strengthen European democratic values, including rule of law and fundamental rights, safeguarding our cultural heritage, and promoting socio-economic transformations that contribute to inclusion and growth. 

The expected impacts of this cluster are contained in the Horizon Europe strategic plan.

Areas of intervention

  • democracy
  • cultural heritage
  • social and economic transformations

Policy information

Research area: Social Sciences and Humanities 

Apply for funding

All funding information and details on how to apply are on the Funding and Tenders portal

Work programme

Funding opportunities under Horizon Europe are set out in multiannual work programmes, which cover the large majority of support available.

2023 - 24

  • 6 DECEMBER 2022
Horizon Europe Work programme (2023-24) - Cluster 2

2021 - 22

Culture, Creativity and Inclusive society work programme


  • 3 AUGUST 2021
Pillar II: Global challenges and european industrial competitiveness


  • News article

The feedback is being collected at the level of the ‘Destinations’ or Missions, corresponding to the six Horizon Europe clusters, research infrastructures, European innovation ecosystems, the five EU Missions and cross-cutting activities and the New European Bauhaus facility.
