HIV/AIDS - European Commission Skip to main content
Research and innovation


EU research and innovation on HIV/AIDS

Since the early years of the AIDS epidemic, the EU has considered the fight against HIV/AIDS a priority and it has significantly invested in HIV/AIDS research.

Thanks to effective treatments, HIV infection is no longer a death sentence. Nevertheless, a number of scientific challenges remain before we can call for an AIDS-free world. The lack of an effective vaccine or cure, the threat of drug resistance, long-term management of patients, and complications due to co-infections and co-morbidities are among these challenges which require innovative solutions and long-term commitments.

With its investment in research and innovation for HIV/AIDS, the European Commission is increasing the chance that the research community will provide solutions to the challenges while fully exploiting the European Scientific excellence and enhancing European competitiveness.

HIV/AIDS research under Horizon 2020

So far about € 220 million was committed; a large part of the funds come from Societal Challenge 1: Health, Demographic Change and Wellbeing.

This includes € 45 million to two large platforms for the development of preventive or therapeutic vaccines candidates, a €10 million loan from the InnovFin ID instrument to develop a high-throughput HIV viral load test, and €110 million of Commission contribution to EDCTP2 grants.


Research to fight AIDS

Funding opportunities

Funding for health under the research and innovation framework programme, Horizon Europe.

Projects and results

Projects in the field of HIV/AIDS on the Commission's primary portal for results of EU-funded research projects.

Platform where framework programme funding recipients present their results to search, contact their owners and form partnerships.

Collaboration and jobs

Look for project partners and view profiles of all organisations that have received funding via the funding and tender opportunities portal.

Scientific publications, tools and databases

Interactive reporting platform, composed of a set of sheets that allows series of views to discover and filter the EC's funding programmes data.

Single point of access to open data produced by the EU institutions. All data free to use for commercial and non-commercial purposes.

You can access all scientific publications from Horizon 2020 via OpenAIRE.