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News article24 June 2021Directorate-General for Research and Innovation2 min read

R&I Days: session on Digital infrastructures and the European Open Science Cloud

Enhancing the EU’s capabilities in digital infrastructure and knowledge is among the four cardinal points of the digital transformation of the Union. 

This includes data infrastructures that store and manage data, the ever more powerful but at the same time flexible computing to process the data, and the ultra-high bandwidth networks transporting the data, as well as infrastructure to access and test tools and solutions for artificial intelligence (AI), and support European leadership in AI. “Memorandum of Understanding signature ceremony for EU Partnerships”.

EOSC highlights by Bob Jones (EOSC Association Director)

  • EOSC is about FAIR as a means to implement open science and about federating resources and capacities by the communities, the EC and the MS
  • Important milestones: the setup of EOSC association as the single voice for advocacy in the research community and the adoption of the EOSC Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA)
  • Key challenges include:
    • Changing cultures starting by the researchers, supported by their organisations and by the funders; embedding this cultural change in daily research practices
    • Developing the minimum viable EOSC (the EOSC CORE, EOSC Exchange based on the GEANT network) to share and reuse resources across disciplines and trigger multidisciplinary research
    • Supporting all sectoral data spaces. EOSC is cross-cutting data space by nature; it brings value in a number of economic sectors being predominantly public or private
    • Increasing the capacity to interoperate with HPC, cloud and edge computing facilities.

Main outcome of the session

  • Recognition that cutting-edge digital infrastructures - including the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) - are key delivery channels to reach the ambitious targets of the Digital Decade
  • Call for genuine collaboration to harness the capacity of Europe’s digital infrastructures through convergent use of FAIR data infrastructures, AI, HPC, cloud and edge computing, at the service of science, public and private sectors. This is required in order to address complex societal, environmental and economic challenges

Call for synergetic action across the European partnerships on EOSC, AI/robotics and HPC and the large communities of excellence they will engage, combined with the state-of-the-art digital infrastructures, to accelerate the digital transition in Europe and seize new opportunities to accelerate research and innovation in today’s data-agile society and economy.

More information

Digital infrastructures and European Open Science Cloud

Date and time: virtual session held on 24 June from 16:00 till 16:45 during the Research and Innovation Days 2021.

Speakers: Thomas Skordas (DG CNECT), Bob Jones (EOSC Partnership), Dirk Pleiter (EuroHPC Partnership), Francoise Soulié (European Partnership on AI and robotics)

Watch the session



Publication date
24 June 2021
Directorate-General for Research and Innovation