Informal exploratory talks have been initiated this Thursday 10 February by DG RTD and New Zealand’s Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment, after the country had formally expressed its interest for such association in December 2021.
These exploratory talks are a preparatory phase ahead of the formal negotiation of the association agreement. They provide an opportunity to discuss the envisaged scope of the association, and the terms and conditions for participation in Horizon Europe actions and in the Programme’s governance.
With Horizon Europe, association, the closest form of international cooperation with the EU’s Research and Innovation Framework Programme, is a possibility open for the first time to countries with a good capacity in science, technology and innovation, and located beyond the EU’s geographical vicinity. Exploratory talks are also progressing with Canada, after the country had expressed its interest in June 2021.
More information
- Publication date
- 10 February 2022
- Author
- Directorate-General for Research and Innovation