New Scoping Report: “Open Research Europe (ORE): Towards a collective open access publishing service” - European Commission
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Research and innovation
  • News article
  • 9 September 2024
  • Directorate-General for Research and Innovation
  • 1 min read

New Scoping Report: “Open Research Europe (ORE): Towards a collective open access publishing service”

The scoping report "Open Research Europe: Towards a collective open access publishing service", published in September 2024, presents a transformative vision for Open Research Europe (ORE), the European Commission's open access publishing platform, evolving it into a collectively supported service for the public good. 

What is Open Research Europe? 

Launched in March 2021, Open Research Europe (ORE) is an innovative open access publishing platform provided by the European Commission. It offers a cost-free publishing service to grantees of the Commission's Framework Programmes. ORE supports high-quality scholarly publishing through a transparent and cost-efficient model, featuring post-publication open peer review. The platform enables open science practices, including early and open sharing of research, recognition of diverse research outputs, and visibility for peer review as a valuable research contribution. 

About the Report 

The new report, "Open Research Europe: Towards a collective open access publishing service", envisions transforming ORE into a service collectively supported by multiple funders and research institutions, available to all researchers at no cost. The report situates this vision within the broader EU policy and political context and current developments in scholarly communications. It proposes ten principles to guide the operation of ORE as a collectively supported service for the public good, aiming to enable a more equitable and transparent scholarly communication system

A collective ORE is expected to foster innovative scholarly communication practices and address some of the current system's shortcomings. The report is backed by Council Conclusions on open science and scholarly publishing from 2022 and 2023, which encourage Member States and research funding organizations to consider joining ORE and explore its operation as a collective, non-profit, open access publishing service for the public good. 

This report is the result of a collaborative process involving EC services and several national research funding and performing organizations, incorporating feedback from a consultation with R&I stakeholders. 

More information

Read the full report.


Publication date
9 September 2024
Directorate-General for Research and Innovation