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  • News article
  • 9 March 2023
  • Directorate-General for Research and Innovation
  • 1 min read

New EU-supported Nature-based Solutions Hub launched in Ukraine

NetworkNature is a Horizon 2020-funded coordination and support action bringing together EU-funded research and innovation projects on Nature-based Solutions (NbS). It has partnered with WWF-Ukraine to launch the Ukraine Nature-based Solutions Hub.

The official launch took place online on 9 March 2023, bringing together NetworkNature, WWF-Ukraine, the European Commission, Ukrainian officials and prospective partners, along with members of other existing NbS Hubs to share their experience.

The Ukraine NbS Hub looks at the future and lays the groundwork for a post-war reconstruction and recovery that includes Nature-based Solutions. This to make communities, ecosystems, agriculture, and water management nature-positive and resilient to climate change, while providing people with green jobs and new, sustainable economic opportunities in an inclusive and fair way.

The Ukraine NbS Hub will also facilitate stronger networks between the EU and Ukraine’s R&I actors and explore cooperation under relevant Horizon Europe calls. Ukraine is associated to the programme and all calls encourage the applicants  to create opportunities for Ukraine.  

Since the start of Russia’s illegal war of aggression against Ukraine, the country has paid a high price in terms of destruction and lives lost. Ukraine is also suffering huge environmental damage, from forests to soil and rivers. According to the Ukrainian government, the cost of environmental damage caused by the war is estimated at more than €48 billion.

The EU stands firmly with Ukraine and is mobilising resources for the post-war reconstruction, including helping Ukraine rebuild its cities in a high-quality, sustainable and inclusive way with the New European Bauhaus (NEB) community.

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Research area: Nature-based solutions

International cooperation with Ukraine


Publication date
9 March 2023
Directorate-General for Research and Innovation