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Research and innovation
  • News article
  • 3 September 2021
  • Directorate-General for Research and Innovation
  • 2 min read

Moving forward with the preparations of the Clean Aviation Partnership

On 26 August 2020, the European Commission published a Call for Expressions of Ideas/Potential Members (CEI), aimed at preparing the future Clean Aviation Partnership in Horizon Europe. It called upon all interested technology stakeholders to provide transformative ideas/concepts and also to express their intention to co-invest in the programme and its major demonstrator platforms.

The first phase of the CEI process closed on 30 November 2020, following an assessment by independent experts, with the selection of 7 top priority ideas among the 82 applications submitted. These top ideas will enrich and complement, as appropriate, the proposed Clean Aviation Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA).

During the second phase of the CEI, which closed on 31 July 2021, about 60 organisations were invited to workshops where the state of play of preparation of the future Clean Aviation Joint Undertaking in Horizon Europe was presented.

The organisations were asked to confirm their declared interest to become possible Associate Members by providing a formal expression of interest and a statement form, including an estimate of their ability to engage private contributions in line with the objectives of the Clean Aviation SRIA. As an outcome of this phase, 18 organisations submitted a formal expression of interest to the Commission.

These organisations are coming from several EU Members States including Germany, Netherlands, Belgium, Italy, Spain and Greece, as well as from potential Associated Countries to Horizon Europe such as Norway, United Kingdom and Israel, for which Association Agreements are currently under discussions.

Among these potential Associate Members, 44% are universities, 38% are from industry (including non-traditional aviation stakeholders and small-medium sized enterprise) and 18% are research and technological organisations. These organisations  may collectively contribute to the Clean Aviation JU with approximately €340 million of additional private contribution, the figure being provisional and subject to further assessment by the Commission and JU services and confirmation under the “Letter of Commitment” expected to be signed by the private Members.

All these 18 potential Associate Members will be invited to take part in the next meeting of the Clean Aviation Preparatory Group, to be held at the end of September 2021, and will be requested eventually to provide additional information in line with the process established for the Founding Members of the JU.

In conclusion, the Commission acknowledges the overall added value of the CEI innovative process, which allowed the inclusion of some additional relevant ideas to the Clean Aviation SRIA and the potential expansion of the JU membership, notably with new and/or non-traditional aviation stakeholders.

For detailed information please see the attached conclusions:

  • 4 JULY 2022
  • 4 JULY 2022


Publication date
3 September 2021
Directorate-General for Research and Innovation