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Research and innovation
  • News article
  • 13 December 2022
  • Directorate-General for Research and Innovation
  • 1 min read

Horizon Europe Info Day dedicated to Cluster 1 to take place on 19 January 2023

The European Commission announces that the Info Day for Horizon Europe Cluster 1 (Health) will be held as a virtual event on 19 January 2023.

The Info Day will present the research and innovation topics proposed for 2023 under the Work Programme 2023-2024 of Horizon Europe Cluster 1.

The sessions will give the opportunity to prospective applicants to learn more about the funding options under the new Work Programme with focus on Health.

The goal of the Info Day is to present the open topics of the Horizon Europe Cluster 1calls for 2023 through a series of dedicated sessions, with emphasis on: 

  • Providing an overall introduction and policy context of the HE Cluster 1 – Health;
  • Presenting the open Cluster 1 topic calls in WP 2023 with an opportunity by   stakeholders to ask questions;
  • Providing practical information on new funding modalities, other novelties and cross-cutting issues important for the drafting of proposals.

For a detailed agenda, more information on how to participate and other practical details, visit the event website. No registration is needed to follow the Info Day sessions. Participants will be able to follow all Info Day sessions online through the main event page.

You will be encouraged to watch the pre-recorded presentations (topics and other), some of which are already available now, before the event.

All recordings of the event’s sessions will be made available on-line for future reference.

Brokerage Event for Cluster 1 on 20 January 2023

A separate virtual brokerage session organised by the National Contact Points (NCPs) for Cluster 1 through HNN3.0 initiative will take place on 20 January.

The virtual brokerage sessions will be dedicated to consortium building in Cluster 1 Health and Mission Cancer.  The event will provide to future project partners the opportunity to network, through dedicated online bilateral meetings.

The Brokerage Event registration will be open from 7 December until 16 January.


Publication date
13 December 2022
Directorate-General for Research and Innovation