On 14 March, Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth, Iliana Ivanova, hosted the first “High-Level Roundtable on Fostering Innovation for Fusion energy in Europe’’. The online event gathered leading public and private stakeholders in the field of fusion energy research and technology. Participants discussed how to accelerate the demonstration of fusion electricity generation, and involve bigger industrial stakeholders, as well as startups, in the transition from LAB to FAB. The participants also considered potential R&I policy initiatives to unlock the disruptive potential of EU innovation in the shortest time possible.
The development of fusion electricity offers the promise of a clean, sustainable, and unlimited source of energy that can make a decisive contribution to the goal of a European net-zero economy. The possible elaboration of a coordinated fusion strategy at the EU level could contribute to harnessing the European expertise and experience – both in the public and private sectors – vis-à-vis a growing international interest and competition in the fusion energy field.
The main takeaways of the Roundtable are the needs to foster closer collaboration between public and private entities, attracting investments in Europe, developing regulatory frameworks, and stimulating European competitiveness in the emerging global fusion energy market. These take-aways will feed into the preparations of the extension of the Euratom Research and Training Programme for the years 2026-2027, which could consider new actions to strengthen the EU fusion energy landscape such as a Public-Private Partnership and a Fusion Innovation Pillar to strengthen the fusion energy eco-system. In particular, a forthcoming call for proposals for a Coordination and Support Action under the Euratom Research and Training Work Programme 2023–2025 will lay the ground for developing a Public-Private Partnership to foster the active involvement of the EU private sector in the realisation of a prototype fusion power plant.
Major industrial groups active in the nuclear field such as Framatome, Empresarios Agrupados and Ente Nazionale Idrocarburi joined the Roundtable, as well as Focused Energy representing the emerging world of new ventures. The European Joint Undertaking Fusion for Energy, the European Partnership EUROfusion and the Fusion Industry Association also participated in the event. A report on the Roundtable will be published soon.
The Euratom Research and Training Programme pursues nuclear research and training, including the EU leadership in the development of fusion energy, and the continued improvement of nuclear safety, security of supply and radiation protection. The Euratom Programme complements Horizon Europe using the same instruments and rules for participation. The dedicated budget is €1.38 billion for the period 2021 - 2025. The European Commission is preparing a legal proposal for the Extension of the Euratom Research and Training Programme for the period 2026-2027. A call for evidence and related public stakeholder consultation is being launched.
More Information
Euratom Research and Training Programme
Euratom Research and Training Programme 2021–25
Euratom Research in Action and Opportunities for Europe
- Publication date
- 14 March 2024
- Author
- Directorate-General for Research and Innovation