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  • Report

Aiming for more: research and development investment scenarios for the next decade


978-92-76-19834-5, KI-BD-20-014-EN-N
Publication date
17 July 2020
Directorate-General for Research and Innovation
Related department
Directorate-General for Research and Innovation


This paper analyses four possible scenarios for R&D expenditures over the next decade and quantifies efforts from national governments and from the industry under these scenarios as well as the investment gap with respect to a 3% R&D intensity. The paper also analyses trends by country, showing a mixed picture across the EU, and extrapolates these trends over the next decade. The findings suggest that rather low increases in public R&D spending over the last decade call for more public investment in the coming years, further accompanied by a strengthened role of private investment. Furthermore, public R&D investment needs to ensure excellent public science bases and science-based innovation.

By Lukas Borunsky, Anca Dumitrescu Goranov, Ruzica Rakic and Julien Ravet (DG RTD)


  • 17 JULY 2020
Aiming for more: research and development investment scenarios for the next decade