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AI research and innovation: Europe paving its own way


978-92-76-25111-8, KI-BD-20-019-EN-N
Publication date
16 November 2020
Directorate-General for Research and Innovation
Related department
Directorate-General for Research and Innovation


Artificial intelligence is often referred to as one of the « game-changing » technologies of our time due to its potential to increase efficiency and productivity across sectors. The optimisation of processes and production could also minimize the consumption of resources such as energy, water and raw materials and hence contribute positively to achieving many of the sustainable development goals.

However, the boom in AI applications in recent years has also shown the limitations of the current state of this technology when it comes to ensuring fairness in its algorithms and systems, as well as an ethical governance. The EU ranks among global leaders in AI Science, but its innovation performance in AI could be revamped. At the same time, the EU has been leading in promoting trustworthy, ethical and human-centric AI.

By Ana Correia and Irina Reyes (DG RTD)

Publication cover


  • 16 NOVEMBER 2020
AI research and innovation