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Research and innovation

Cluster 6 - Food, Bioeconomy, Natural Resources, Agriculture & Environment

Learn more about funding opportunities in the Cluster 6 areas

25-26 October 2021 followed by a brokerage event on 27 October

The primary goal of the info days’ second edition is to present the 77 open topics of the Horizon Europe Cluster 6 2022 calls and to stimulate participation with emphasis on: 

  • Promoting Cluster 6 under HE and disseminating information about the HE Cluster 6 Work Programme 2022 to stakeholders
  • Raising awareness about the key aspects of HE proposal preparation and the evaluation process
  • Give an insight about synergies with EU Missions
  • Highlight the HE horizontal novelties and the key success factors to proposal preparation
  • Offer networking and matchmaking opportunities to prospective applicants to support the building of proposals’ consortia in a dedicated brokerage day



Download the full programme

Day 1 (25 October 2021)Day 2 (26 October 2021)

Reference documents


Brokerage event

Do you intend to prepare a proposal addressing a topic under the upcoming calls in Horizon Europe Cluster 6?

The on-line brokerage event organized on 27 October was dedicated to consortium building in Cluster 6 Food, Bioeconomy, Natural Resources, Agriculture and Environment.

Following the successful outcome of the Brokerage Event the related matching tool will be kept open and available for additional spontaneous meetings until 27 January 2022. Therefore, it is still possible to proceed with registration and booking of bilateral meetings for further cooperation opportunities.

The event was organised by the Horizon Europe National Contact Points through BRIDGE2HE initiative.

More information

Past events

Coordinators' day (September 2022)

Cluster 6 info day (July 2021)


Any questions? Contact the Research Enquiry Service (RES) for any general question on Horizon Europe