Horizon 2020 - European Commission
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Horizon 2020 programme analysis

Assessing the EU’s main funding programme for research and innovation 2014-2020. Reports, impact assessments, latest news and events.

Horizon 2020 evaluation

The final evaluation of Horizon 2020 was adopted on 29 January 2024.

Horizon 2020 evaluation

Evaluation timeline

Interim evaluation

The interim evaluation, published in May 2017, covers the first two years of Horizon 2020’s implementation (2014-2016) and

  • assesses the progress of Horizon 2020 towards its objectives
  • aims to improve the implementation of Horizon 2020 in its final work programme running from 2018 to 2020.
  • reports on the wider long-term impact of previous EU framework programmes
  • advises on the design of future EU research programmes, in particular the next programme Horizon Europe which will run from 2021 to 2027
  • provided the evidence-base for the Lab-Fab-App report (informally the Lamy report), a report of the high level group on maximizing the impact of EU research and innovation programmes which draws up a vision and strategic recommendations to maximise the impact of future EU research and innovation programmes.

Why and how

Following the better regulation guidelines, the interim evaluation looked at Horizon 2020 from 5 different angles

  • relevance - whether the original objectives of Horizon 2020 are still relevant and how well they still match the current needs and problems
  • efficiency - the relationship between the resources used by Horizon 2020 and the changes it is generating
  • effectiveness - how successful Horizon 2020 has been in achieving or progressing towards its objectives
  • coherence - how well or not the different activities work together, internally and with other EU programmes and policies
  • EU added value - assessing the value resulting from Horizon 2020 that is additional to what could be generated by activities at regional or national levels

The evaluation was based on a wide range of sources including:

  • internal assessments by Commission services
  • external expert group reports
  • horizontal and thematic evaluation studies
  • the results of the ex-post evaluation of the 7th Framework Programme
  • the review of the European Institute of Innovation and Technology

Consultation with stakeholders

A public stakeholder consultation on the interim evaluation of Horizon 2020 ran from October 2016 until January 2017.

The Commission received nearly 3 500 responses to an online survey, with 78% of respondents stating that they are satisfied or very satisfied with Horizon 2020.

Over 300 position papers were submitted by respondents from nearly 70 countries.

Key documents

  • Evaluation
  • Directorate-General for Research and Innovation

The final evaluation of Horizon 2020, the EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation 2014-2020.










For other documents, studies and/or expert group reports on specific programme parts that contributed to the interim evaluation of Horizon 2020, please consult the EU Publications or send a request to RTD-A2-SUPPORT@ec.europa.eu.


Impact assessment

In 2011 Europe faced crucial challenges such as low growth, an insufficient level of innovation and a diverse set of environmental and social challenges. This was the starting point for the impact assessment for Horizon 2020.

It found that the solutions to all of these problems, are linked and it is by addressing its environmental and social challenges that Europe will be able to boost productivity, generate long-term growth and secure its place in the world.



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