International cooperation with Korea in research and innovation
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Research and innovation


Policy background, funding opportunities, agreements and arrangements, projects and results and contact

Policy background

Republic of Korea and the EU share a long-standing relationship. The Agreement for Scientific and Technological Cooperation, which entered into force in 2007, governs and guides cooperation between the EU and the Republic of Korea in research and innovation. The Joint Committee on Scientific and Technological Cooperation monitors and guides this cooperation.

As a like-minded country with whom the EU shares R&I principles and values across sectors, cooperation with Korea in Research and Innovation is a priority for the EU and there is strong potential to work for mutual benefit in a wide range of thematic areas. 

In May 2023, the European Commission and the Republic of Korea (Korea) showed their commitment to deepen collaboration in research and innovation on solutions to global challenges by launching formal negotiations on Korea’s association to Pillar II (Global Challenges and European Industrial Competitiveness) of Horizon Europe, the EU’s Framework Programme for research and innovation. The negotiations were successfully concluded on 23 September 2024, and the signing of the agreement is expected to take place in 2025.  

While awaiting the signature of the Agreement, transitional arrangements have been put in place. This means that entities based in the Republic of Korea can apply and be evaluated as prospective “beneficiaries” in Horizon Europe proposals for all Pillar II calls implementing 2025 budget and onwards, including those currently open. Grant agreements with beneficiaries established in the Republic of Korea on the basis of the Association Agreement can only be signed after the Association Agreement is signed.

Association is the closest form of international cooperation with the EU in the area of R&I, allowing third countries to participate on almost equal conditions to EU Member States. Horizon Europe opens it for the first time to countries with a strong STI capacity located beyond Europe’s geographical vicinity. Association represents a new milestone in the R&I cooperation with the Republic of Korea.

Cooperation and funding opportunities

Association to Pillar II of Horizon Europe allows Korean researchers and organisations to participate on almost the same conditions as entities in EU Member States. This includes direct funding from the Horizon Europe programme. Korean entities can now participate in and lead research consortia with some of the world's best research organisations to tackle global challenges together (see transitional arrangememts above). 

Korean eligibility for EU funding through the European Research Council and Marie Skłodowska Curie Actions remains unchanged (see below).

European Research Council

The European Research Council offers grants to researchers in all research domains for frontier research. Korean researchers are welcome to apply and if selected are eligible for funding to establish a research group in Europe. Grants are available for researchers starting or consolidating their independent career and for advanced researchers. Synergy grants are also available, where a group of 2-4 Principal Investigators (PIs) may include one PI outside the EU or countries associated to Horizon Europe, to tackle together an ambitious research problem, with all funded by the ERC.

The European Commission has signed an implementing agreement with the Republic of Korea’s Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning to pursue research collaboration with research teams led by ERC grant holders.

Marie Skłodowska Curie Actions

Marie Skłodowska Curie Actions offer fellowships for post-doctoral researchers from Korea (and other countries) to spend up to 2 years in a European group – or for European researchers to spend up to 2 years in a Korean lab. Also offers opportunities for Korean institutions to participate in Doctoral Networks and Staff Exchange consortia (Korean institutions are self-funded in Doctoral Networks and Staff Exchange).

Projects and results

Research project database

EU-funded research projects involving Korea

For previous framework programmes, please contact the Research enquiry service.

Project success stories

Stories of particularly successful EU-funded research projects involving Korea.


National Contact Points

The National Contact Points (NCPs) provide guidance, practical information and assistance on all aspects of participation in Horizon Europe.

Research enquiry service

You can contact the research enquiry service to find out more about research in Europe, the EU's research and innovation funding programmes as well as calls for proposals and project funding.

European Commission

DG Research and Innovation unit 04: International cooperation


  • 15 OCTOBER 2018
Roadmap for EU-Korea S&T cooperation
