Research and innovation for the European Green Deal
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Research and innovation

Research and innovation for the European Green Deal

The role of research and innovation in the European Green Deal, Horizon Europe and its green missions and partnerships, EU-funded projects news and related content

Research and innovation driving transformative change

Becoming the world’s first climate-neutral continent by 2050 is a once in a lifetime opportunity to modernise the EU’s economy and society and re-orient them towards a just and sustainable future.

Research and innovation will play a central role in

  • accelerating and navigating the necessary transitions
  • deploying, demonstrating and de-risking solutions
  • engaging citizens in social innovation

Funding and support

On the Funding and Tenders Portal you can find funding information and apply for Horizon Europe calls for proposal.

Apply now

The Commission made €1 billion available under the Green Deal call - the last and biggest call under Horizon 2020. The 73 projects selected for funding under the call will contribute to the EU’s response to the climate crisis and help protect Europe’s unique ecosystems and biodiversity. On the Green Deal Projects website you can follow how projects collaborate to reach the goals of the European Green Deal.

Horizon Europe

Horizon Europe is the EU's research and innovation programme (2021-2027). 

Its powerful instruments and innovative governance are set to drive the necessary systemic changes to reach climate neutrality and ensure an inclusive ecological and economic transition.

In synergy with other EU programmes, Horizon Europe is key to leveraging national public and private investment. Together, they foster new technologies, sustainable solutions and disruptive innovation and spread successful new solutions across Europe and the world.

Over 35% of Horizon Europe spending is allocated to address climate change.

Green partnerships

Horizon Europe includes a new wave of research and innovation partnerships.

Partnerships will help drive the huge transformations in environment, society and the economy that the European Green Deal calls for.

The EU works closely with industry and countries to support partnerships in critical areas such as transport - including batteries - clean hydrogen, low-carbon steel, circular biobased sectors, the built environment and biodiversity.

Green missions

EU missions in Horizon Europe are a new way to bring concrete solutions to some of our greatest challenges. They have ambitious goals and will deliver concrete results by 2030.
At the same time, they aim to capture citizens' imagination and inspire confidence in the transformations ahead.
4 out of the 5 mission areas in Horizon Europe directly support the European Green Deal

  • Restore our ocean and waters
  • Climate-neutral and smart cities
  • A soil deal for Europe
  • Adaptation to climate change and societal transformation

Green research and innovation rules

To deliver on the European Green Deal, a careful assessment, analysis and design of existing and future legislation is necessary. At the same time, it is important to leave room for new and out-of-the-box ideas to reach a sustainable future more quickly and more effectively.

The Innovation Principle approach can be a useful tool in this regard.

Successful projects

Publication cover
  • Factsheet
  • 17 October 2024

Fostering collaboration and innovation in wildfire risk management across Europe.

Publication cover
  • Factsheet
  • 17 October 2024

Geo Catch app : empowering citizens for wildfire risk mapping and prevention.

Publication cover
  • Factsheet
  • 17 May 2024

Harnessing the collective power of technology and community engagement to address climate change and promote sustainable energy use.

Publication cover
  • Factsheet
  • 16 May 2024

The project dives into the heart of urban environmental challenges, focusing on the pervasive issue of air pollution in Europe's bustling cities.


Publication cover
  • Factsheet
  • 14 June 2023
Research and innovation for the new batteries regulation

Battery development and production are strategic imperatives for the European Union in the context of the clean energy transition. Batteries will help shift the energy system away from fossil fuels, by fostering electric mobility and stationary storage for renewable energy.

Factsheet9 December 2020
Sustainable and smart mobility
Factsheet18 November 2020
Offshore renewable energy

