Regional innovation scoreboard - European Commission
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Regional innovation scoreboard

The RIS is a regional extension of the European innovation scoreboard (EIS), assessing the innovation performance of European regions on a limited number of indicators

What is the RIS

The regional innovation scoreboard (RIS) is a regional extension of the European innovation scoreboard (EIS), assessing the innovation performance of European regions on a limited number of indicators. The RIS 2023 provides a comparative assessment of the performance of innovation systems across 239 regions of 22 EU countries, Norway, Serbia, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom. Cyprus, Estonia, Latvia, Luxembourg and Malta are included at the country level.

Regional innovation scoreboard 2023

The Regional Innovation Scoreboard 2023 provides a comparative assessment of the performance of innovation systems across 239 regions in 22 EU Member States, Norway, Serbia, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom. Cyprus, Estonia, Latvia, Luxembourg and Malta are included at the country level. The Regional Innovation Scoreboard complements the European Innovation Scoreboard, which annually assesses the performance of national innovation systems of EU Member States, as well as other European countries and global competitors.

The Regional Innovation Scoreboard 2023 follows the methodology of the European Innovation Scoreboard 2023 and uses data for 239 regions across Europe for 21 out of the 32 indicators employed in the European Innovation Scoreboard 2023.  Europe’s regions are classified into four innovation performance group according to their Regional Innovation Index: Innovation Leaders (36 regions), Strong Innovators (70 regions), Moderate Innovators (69 regions), and Emerging Innovators (64 regions).

This new edition of the scoreboard shows that innovation performance has increased over time in 211 regions out of 239. The most innovative regions tend to be located in the most innovative countries, although some regional “pockets of excellence” are identified in countries with relatively lower innovation performance.

The most innovative region in Europe is Hovedstaden in Denmark, followed by Helsinki-Uusimaa in Finland, Oberbayern in Germany, Stockholm in Sweden, and Berlin in Germany.

Regional innovation scoreboard interactive tool

The European innovation scoreboard interactive tool allows for custom comparisons of performance scores. Visualise regional profiles, compare relative strengths, weaknesses and trends, and test correlations between indicators.

RIS interactive tool