Survey results on the codes of practice show large support by stakeholders - European Commission Skip to main content
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Survey results on the codes of practice show large support by stakeholders

The development of the new codes of practice for industry-academia co-creation and for citizens’ engagement has entered a new phase. The Commission initiative received large support according to a recent survey that closed on 20 October 2023. Stakeholders could provide feedback to the draft codes ensure that the voice of their countries, organisations, or other entities are heard.

Survey responses

There were 90 respondents from 27 EU and non-EU countries to the industry-academia code of practice survey. Among them there was a nearly equal ratio of individuals and organisation representatives. University representatives and technology transfer experts were the most common respondents; and Belgium, Portugal, and Austria the most represented countries. Around 40% of the respondents did not have additional comments, indicating a strong support for the draft code.

For the citizens’ engagement draft code of practice, there were 43 replies from 18 member states and other countries with an almost equal ratio of individuals and organisations. In this case university representatives and researchers were the most common respondents. Looking at the results, nearly two-third broadly agreed with the draft code, 35% fully agreed with it and had no additional comments while 2% did not fully agree and added suggestions. This again implies again a strong support for the draft version of this code of practice.

The two new codes of practice for industry-academia co-creation and for citizens’ engagement are likely to be published in spring 2024.

Survey results