The publication ‘Valorising research through citizens’ engagement - How to run Hackathons with citizens’ sets out the key steps to follow in the organisation of a citizens’ hackathon. Hackathons are low-cost, action-oriented, events where individuals work together to solve challenges. Citizens’ Hackathons bring together citizens and researchers to work on new innovative solutions that address citizens’ needs. Citizens’ Hackathons can be strong starting points for an innovation process, boosting creativity and allowing innovators, including citizens, to test and develop their ideas for uptake by market and society.
How to provide your feedback and why you should do so?
The publication shall be updated with more evidence from real life citizens’ hackathons, as well as suggestions to tackle the challenges and opportunities that such participatory approaches present to communities, researchers, policy makers and other stakeholders. Your feedback will play a key part in this.
To provide concrete comments and feedback to this publication as well as to express your interest to be part of the follow up discussions on Citizens’ Hackathons and other participatory modes for knowledge valorisation, please send an email to RTD-Valorisation-policies-IPRec [dot] europa [dot] eu (RTD-Valorisation-policies-IPR[at]ec[dot]europa[dot]eu).
Please note in the subject of your email,
- If you provide concrete comments and feedback on the publication, “Comments on the report: How to run Hackathons with Citizens”
- If you express your interest in follow up discussions and activities in this field, “Express interest in participatory modes of knowledge valorisation”
- For both, “Comments and interest in participatory modes of knowledge valorisation”
Please note that the deadline has been extended until: 31 October 2022.
The engagement of citizens with meaningful opportunities for participation and co-creation is crucial to address key societal challenges as well as to create value for all parts of society. To achieve a faster and inclusive uptake of innovative solutions, we need to use a variety of open innovation methodologies, drawing especially on those that prove most effective in engaging citizens and enabling them to become co-creators of the new solutions.
More information
Report: Valorising research through citizens’ engagement
See more highlights relating to the EU Knowledge Valorisation policy