Rural and farming dynamics and policies - European Commission Skip to main content
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Research and innovation

Rural and farming dynamics and policies

Policy, funding opportunities, jobs, projects, publications and databases

Why does research and innovation on rural and farming policy matter?

Rural areas across the EU have undergone and are still undergoing profound changes including the transition from economies focusing on the primary sector towards more diverse economies where industries and services play an increasing or even dominant role.

In many territories, new activities are flourishing, including tourism, small-scale and niche manufacturing, food production and business services. Digital developments also offer a wide range of new business and networking opportunities. At the same time, many rural areas are facing demographic and social decline that endangers the delivery of vital ecosystem services.

While economic diversification was an important objective of rural policies for decades, the food security agenda – including concerns over generational renewal in farming – and the increasing demand for biomass for bio-based applications, created renewed interest towards primary production.

This new interest needs to accommodate stakeholder concerns over the capacity of rural areas to sustainably cater to all these needs while delivering a high level of environmental and social benefits in the context of urbanisation and climate change.

Evidence and knowledge are an essential input into the design of modern policies that will help rural communities and businesses overcome these challenges, using the most appropriate instruments and governance approaches.

Funding opportunities

Calls for proposals and funding information related to agriculture, forestry and rural areas.

Some rural and farming dynamics and policies related calls may be found in this programme.

The European spatial planning observatory network (ESPON) funds territorial research projects and analysis, including on rural territories.

Projects and results

Collaboration and jobs

Within rural development policy, LEADER accompanies rural innovators.

Search and view profiles of all organisations that have received funding via the funding and tenders portal.

Scientific publications, tools and databases

Single point of access to open data produced by the EU institutions. All data is free to use for commercial and non-commercial purposes.

You can access all scientific publications from Horizon 2020 via OpenAIRE.

Access to agriculture data from the Copernicus programme.
