Access to European Research Infrastructures - European Commission
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Access to European Research Infrastructures

The rules governing transnational access to Research Infrastructures, the charter for access, lists of Research Infrastructures, related projects and news.

Transnational access to European Research Infrastructures

Research Infrastructures are facilities, resources and services used by the science community to conduct research and foster innovation.

European Research Infrastructures providing free transnational access.

The Research Infrastructure landscape is a full list (including those not offering free access) of Horizon 2020 Research Infrastructures in Europe arranged by theme. It is regularly updated.

RICH 2020 is a European network of National Contact Points for Research Infrastructures in Horizon 2020, facilitates transnational and virtual access to Research Infrastructures.

The charter for access

The charter for access sets out principles and guidelines as a reference when defining access policies for Research Infrastructures.

Publication cover
  • General publications
  • 26 November 2024
European charter for access to research infrastructures

The European Charter for Access to Research Infrastructures sets out non-regulatory principles and guidelines to be used as a reference when defining Access policies for Research Infrastructures and related services. 

Projects and results

Research project database (CORDIS)

The Commission's primary portal for results of EU-funded research projects. Here you can find Research Infrastructure projects related to facilitating access to Research Infrastructures.

H2020 and FP7 projects.

Examples of Research Infrastructure projects promoting access

  • NFFA: Transnational access at nano-laboratories from nanocharacterisation to theory and numerical simulation
  • SFERA 2: Transnational access to high-flux solar research facilities, unique in Europe and the world
  • EUNCL: European Nanomedicine Characterisation Laboratory
  • EUROFLEETS: TransNational Funded Ship Time and Embarked Marine Scientific Equipment
