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Research and innovation
  • Schedule
  • 9 June 2020
  • Directorate-General for Research and Innovation
  • 1 min read

Green policy forum “Innovation and Green Technologies for the European Green Deal”

It’s coming on 25 June 2020: a blended online/offline, all green, zero-waste, interactive event on European Climate Policy and Innovation in Europe and Israel.

The event is organised by the European Commission and the EU Delegation in Israel, the IIA / ISERD and by the EIT Hub Israel.

  • Hear What’s Upcoming Directly from EU & IL Policy Makers
  • Get Involved in the Debate and Make Your Opinion Heard
  • Learn About the Green Deal
  • Contribute to the Climate Diplomacy dialogue
  • Learn About Funding Opportunities on Green Tech
  • Meet Next Generation Greentech Startups
  • Be Part of a First Of Its Kind Blended Experience

Among confirmed speakers:

  • Mariya GABRIEL | EU Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth
  • Izhar SHAY |Israel’s Minister of Science and Technology
  • Jean-Eric PAQUET | Director General DG Research and Innovation | European Commission
  • Ami Appelbaum | Chairman of the Board, Israel Innovation Authority & Chief Scientist

Register and check the website regularly as updates will follow daily

More information

Climate Policy Forum Innovation and Green Technologies for the European Green Deal – conference report

Conference video


Publication date
9 June 2020
Directorate-General for Research and Innovation