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Research and innovation
  • Study

Mapping study for the development of sustainable-by-design criteria


978-92-76-32616-8, KI-02-21-408-EN-N
Publication date
21 April 2021
Directorate-General for Research and Innovation
Related department
Directorate-General for Research and Innovation


The aim of this study is to map existing initiatives and R&I activities related to sustainability that are relevant for the development of sustainable-by-design criteria for chemicals, materials and products. It includes three main parts, 1) Identification of existing policies and initiatives that implement sustainability criteria, 2) Analysis of a sample of criteria under the relevant policies and initiatives with a focus on materials and chemicals, and 3) Analysis of the progress in R&I.


  • 21 APRIL 2021
Mapping study for the development of sustainable-by-design criteria