Integration of social sciences and humanities in Horizon 2020 - European Commission Skip to main content
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  • Report

Integration of social sciences and humanities in Horizon 2020


978-92-76-21622-3, KI-02-20-680-EN-N
Publication date
22 December 2020
Directorate-General for Research and Innovation
Related department
Directorate-General for Research and Innovation


The integration of Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH) in Horizon 2020 is an important feature of the programme. To monitor the development of this cross-cutting issue is an EU commitment.

Various dimensions are examined, such as the budget going to SSH partners (overall and in each part of the programme), qualitative aspects, performance of disciplines and sectors involved, as well as which countries are represented as participants and coordinators. The scope of this monitoring report on the integration of SSH across Horizon 2020 has gradually been extended to cover the European Research Council, Future Emerging Technologies, Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions and Research Infrastructures. This year we also look at the topical Science with and for Society (SwafS) part of the programme.

This fifth edition of the report shows that substantial quantitative progress has been made in many areas since the start of the programme. However, it also illustrates that more effort is needed to improve the quality of SSH integration. The quantitative data presented here indicate how well the policy of SSH integration is put into practice. However, this by no means tells the full story of SSH integration in the overall framework programme.


  • 13 NOVEMBER 2023
Integration of social sciences and humanities in Horizon 2020