Enhancing EU policy through complexity metrics: A new lens for research and innovation - European Commission
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Enhancing EU policy through complexity metrics: A new lens for research and innovation

This policy brief shows how using the concepts of complexity and relatedness can enhance the design of more impactful, data-driven policies that foster growth and address societal challenges.


978-92-68-23912-4, KI-01-25-015-EN-N
Publication date
17 February 2025
Directorate-General for Research and Innovation


Understanding local capabilities is vital for identifying regional specializations and technological trajectories in a knowledge-based economy. Traditional indicators, such as R&D expenditure, fail to capture the quality and interdependencies of knowledge creation. Complexity and relatedness metrics address this gap by offering deeper insights into economic activities and their connections. The paper shows how using these tools can enhance the design of more impactful, data-driven policies that foster growth and address societal challenges.


Authors: Florence Benoit, Valentina Di Girolamo, Dario Diodato, Erik Canton & Julien Ravet

Publication cover


  • 17 FEBRUARY 2025
Enhancing EU policy through complexity metrics: A new lens for research and innovation