Resources and data - European Commission Skip to main content
Research and innovation

Resources and data

This page lists the environmental and Earth observation resources already available in Europe. These form the basis of the work of EuroGEO.

Where does EuroGEO data come from?

Europe already has excellent Earth observation and data resources. EuroGEO will not develop new resources. Instead, it will bring together existing ones and enable them to work more effectively.

On this page you will find a list of the Earth observation resources that EuroGEO will use.

Copernicus programme

Copernicus is the EU’s Earth observation  programme

EuroGEO will use the following parts of Copernicus

Copernicus Services and their products for monitoring land, oceans, atmosphere and climate.

Copernicus Data and Information Access Services (DIAS). From 2018 onward, these service platforms will provide access to data from the Sentinel series of satellites, products from the Copernicus Core Services as well as processing resources, tools and other relevant data

Other sources of Copernicus data

European observation resources

Global Earth observation resources

GEOSS Common Infrastructure  allows users of Earth observations to search and use the data, information, tools and services available through the Global Earth Observation System of Systems.

Use the GEOSS web portal to look up Earth observation data.

Agencies and organisations

EU projects

The EU funds research and innovation projects related to geo-spatial information and Earth sciences.

Some of these were funded under the 7th Framework Programme for European Research and Technological Development.

Others are funded under the research and innovation framework programme 2014-2020, Horizon 2020.

Horizon Europe (the current research and innovation framework programme, 2021-2027) offers new funding opportunities for the Earth and environmental observation community.

Other sources of data

These include data processing capacities, specific data sources and information technologies made available through the involvement of the commercial sector in EuroGEO.

EuroGEO will also use airborne and in-situ Earth system information resources including data products and modelling.