Open calls
Find all open calls for tenders of research and innovation on the Funding and Tenders Portal
You can also download the tender documents and find answers to your questions.To automatically receive updates on a call you must register to the specific call.
Middle and low-value contracts
Prior advertising in relation to middle and low-value procurements of a value between €15 000.01 and €139 000
FTS - financial transparency system
Information concerning the Directorate-General for research and innovation's contracts or specific contracts in past years can be found by consulting the Financial Transparency System.
Annual activity reports
At the end of the year, all departments draft an annual activity report on their performance in achieving targets set in their strategic/management plans.
Annual activity reports for Direcotrate-General for research innovation (2015 - present)
Annexes to annual reports 2009-2014 for Directorate-General for research and innovation
Tenders from the UK
After the UK's withdrawal from the EU, the rules on access to EU procurement procedures of economic operators established in third countries will apply to candidates or tenderers from the UK, depending on the outcome of the negotiations.
If such access is not provided by legal provisions in force, candidates or tenderers from the UK could be rejected from the procurement procedure.