European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) - European Commission
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Research and innovation

European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT)

Work of the EIT related to Horizon Europe. Policy, strategy, how to apply and work programmes.

Policy and strategy

The European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) is an independent EU body. It increases Europe’s ability to innovate by nurturing entrepreneurial talent and supporting new ideas.

The EIT will also contribute to achieving the 4 key strategic orientations in the Horizon Europe strategic plan.

Areas of intervention

  • strengthening sustainable innovation ecosystems across Europe
  • fostering the development of entrepreneurial and innovation skills in a lifelong learning perspective and support the entrepreneurial transformation of EU universities
  • bringing new solutions to global societal challenges to the market
  • creating synergies and added-value within Horizon Europe

Policy information

EIT website

Apply for funding

All funding information and details on how to apply are on the Funding and Tenders portal.

Work programme

Funding opportunities under Horizon Europe are set out in multiannual work programmes, which cover the large majority of support available.

The work programme for this area is expected in mid-June 2021.


  • 19 MAY 2021
Pillar III: Innovative Europe