Citizen events and specialised missions conferences - European Commission
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Citizen events and specialised missions conferences

Date Mission Country Event Information
30/6/2021 soil Finland Soil at Risk Event promoted by MS. Programme may be modified depending on covid-19 measures
5/5/2021 oceans Italy Mission Ocean, l’evento nazionale il 5 maggio L'evento nazionale sarà l'occasione per introdurre il concetto e il ruolo della Mission Starfish all’interno di Horizon Europe
24/02/2021 soil Italy

Caring for soil is caring for life

The event's aim is to promote the EU Missions within the context of the new Horizon Europe Programme. In particular, the focus will be on the objectives and tools of the Mission Soil Health and Food, as well as the specific actions to be implemented in the future and the actors to be involved at the national level.
The main issues related to the soil will be presented, and the actions to be implemented in Italy to promote greater knowledge of the issues covered by the Mission will be discussed.
9/12/2020 soil Hungary Celebration of the International Day of Soils in Hungary at the region of Lake Balaton Lecture on the key importance of healthy soils and food by  Prof. Borbala Biro, Member of the Mission Board for Soil health and food
6-12/12/2020 soil multinational

3rd Annual Citizen Engagement and Deliberative Democracy Festival

5/12/2020 soil Ireland Healthy soil - the heart of sustainable agriculture

Event organised by MS.

Soil Health related videos and other content will be delivered throughout the day on Twitter and Facebook.

4/12/2020 soil multinational How to put carbon in the soil, not in the air The first in a series of events organized by Danone on regenerative agriculture. A representatives from DG AGRI will mention the potential mission Caring for soil is caring for life proposed by the Mission Board for Soil health and food.
4/12/2020 soil multinational

Launch of the EU Soil Observatory

Organised by the JRC on  World Soil day
4/12/2020 soil Hungary Conference of the Hungarian Soil Science Society

A short film about the Annual Conference of the Hungarian Soil Science Society will be released on World Soil day

4/12/2020 soil Portugal Celebrative Conference for the World Soil Day 2020 The vice-chair of the Mission Board for Soil health and food, Prof. Teresa Pinto Correia presents the proposed EU mission Caring for soil is caring for life
3/12/2020 soil Estonia Soil Day conference "Soil is alive!" / Mullapäeva konverents "Muld on elus!" Event organised by Member State.
2-3/12/2020 soil Lithuania 3rd Interantional Scientific Visrtual Conference Agroecosystem Sustainability  
30/11 - 5/12/2020 soil Finland #SoilSelfie campaign  
26/11/2020 cancer Italy Discussion with national cancer stakeholders MS initiative in coordination with Mission Board member Walter Ricciardi, ‘Ambassador’ for Italy. hosted by the Istituto Oncologico Veneto IOV. Webpage and agenda. Key areas of discussion: prevention and communication.
25/11/2020 soil multinational Copernicus Networks General Assembly Networking table with Mission Board Members for Soil health and food -The Horizon Europe Missions: challenges and opportunities for Copernicus
24-25/11/2020 soil multinational Organic Innovation Days 2020 – session: opportunities for organics in Horizon Europe The policy debate, with representatives from DG AGRI and DG RTD, focuses on the Missions as new instruments in Horizon Europe
24/11/2020 soil Spain

Exchange of experiences between operational groups and projects with the theme of precision agriculture.


Member State initiative
4-6/11/2020 soil Bulgaria

Space Ecology Safety - SES’ 2020
Session: Ecology and risk management

4/11/2020 soil Italy

The EU Mission “Caring for Soil is caring for Life” and the co-creation of a nature-based European Green Deal

at Ecomondo the Green Technology Expo

29/10/2020 soil Lithuania Conference 'Science for Society: Opportunities and Challenges' / Konferencija 'Mokslas visuomenei: galimybės ir iššūkiai' The conference was organised by The Ministry of Education, Science and Sports of the Republic of Lithuania with  Research Council of Lithuania, The Agency for Science, Innovation and Technology, Central Project Management Agency.
22/10/2020 soil multinational EU Green Week
Session: It’s alive! Why soil is probably the most important habitat you’ve never thought about
This session offered  a broad overview of the issues at stake, looking at areas where greater efforts are required to protect and restore these soils we all depend on.
22/10/2020 soil multinational Mission session - European Week of Regions and Cities   
20-21/10/2020 soil multinational EIP-AGRI online workshop: Shaping the EU mission ’Caring for soil is caring for life’  
09-10/10/2020 cities Greece Visioning MED 2020+: Mediterranean in Transition Website
16/09/2020 cancer Italy discussion with national cancer stakeholders MS initiative in coordination with Mission Board member Walter Ricciardi, Ambassador for Italy. Webpage
10/09/2020 cancer Italy discussion with national cancer stakeholders MS initiative in coordination with Mission Board member Walter Ricciardi, Ambassador for Italy. Webpage
02-06/09/2020 oceans Italy Citizen session - City festival - ESOF Website
21/08/2020 cancer Latvia discussion with cancer patient’s organizations MS initiative in coordination with Mission Board member Marcis Leja, Ambassador for Latvia. Webpage
01/07/2020 oceans multinational Mission Ocean at the European Youth Forum Website
June-July oceans multinational Online citizen surveys MS initiative in coordination with Mission Board members D. Manakovski and L. Kauppi
30/06/2020 cities multinational European Youth Forum session Website
10/06/2020 soil multinational European Youth Forum session Website
28/05/2020 cities Online Citizen session in Lille

Cities mission board will exchange ideas with citizens from Lille, Commissioner Gabriel will open the dialogue.

28/05/2020 climate multinational European Youth Forum session Website
24/03/2020 cities Finland Citizen engagement practices towards climate neutrality Utilizing H2020 Lighthouse projects on Smart Cities and Communities
04-7/03/2020 cities Romania 3rd Innovation Camp Romania/ citizen session in Cluj Particiaption of Commission Gabriel & workshop with citizens
02-3/03/2020 soil Belgium Intersoil 2020 Website
17-19/02/2020 soil Germany BonaRes Status Seminar Website
11/02/2020 soil, cancer Belgium Food day / Voedseldag (in dutch) Website
06-07/02/2020 oceans Belgium All-Atlantic Ocean Research Forum Website
06/02/2020 cities Slovakia Research & Innovation in Cities of the Future: Opportunities for cities in the next financial period Website
04/02/2020 cancer Finland Launch of in Helsinki on World Cancer Day Website
04/02/2020 climate Austria Workshop organised by the Austrian Research Promotion Agency Agenda
04/02/2020 oceans Belgium Blue Invest Day 2020 Website
30-31/01/2020 cities Portugal Cities forum 2020 Website
31/01/2020 all missions Bulgaria Citizen Dialogue in Sofia with Commissioner Gabriel on missions  
21-23/01/2020 oceans Italy The UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development 2021-2030: Mediterranean workshop Website
17-26/01/2020 soil Germany International Green Week 2020 Website
12/12/2019 all missions Spain COP 25 Website
05/12/2019 soil multinational World Soil Day - survey