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Lump sum in Horizon Europe: practical insights

Main concept & current developments of LS model. Second part of the event is dedicated to practical insights and experience of participants of LS projects

NCPs of Research Council of Lithuania, Latvian Council of Science, Estonian Research Council and Polish National Centre for Research and Development together with its Brussels office - Business & Science Poland are pleased to invite you to the webinar on “Lump sum in Horizon Europe: practical insights”, which will take place on Wednesday, 6th of April 2022 from 10:00 to 12:00 (CEST).

Lump sum model – simplified form of funding – was launched within Horizon 2020 as a result of European Commission’s (EC) efforts to seek alternatives for traditional funding. The traditional scheme is based on reimbursement of actual costs, which is considered to be complex, have heavy financial management load and error-prone despite all simplifications of rules introduced previously. Lump sum funding removes obligation to report actual costs, allowing to focus on the scientific and technical content of projects rather than financial management.

Based on feedback gathered in the Assessment of the Lump Sum Pilot 2018-2020, broader use of lump sum funding scheme in Horizon Europe is planned by the EC. Therefore, it is important to analyse and discuss challenges encountered by this funding model and help future applicants better prepare for participation in lump sum projects through sharing early experience.

During this event our speaker Ulrich Genschel from EC will present the main concept and current developments of lump sum model. The second part of the webinar will be dedicated to practical insights and experience of participants of lump sum projects from Germany, Czech and Lithuania.

To participate in the event, please register by 4th of April.
You will receive the link to the Zoom meeting via e-mail a day before the event.

We recommend to send questions related to the topic using the registration form.

Working language of the event – English.

If you have any issues with the registration form, please contact NCP Veronika Noruse, veronika [dot] noruseatlmt [dot] lt (veronika[dot]noruse[at]lmt[dot]lt)


  • innovation | research policy
  • Wednesday 6 April 2022, 10:00 (CEST)
  • Online only
  • Live streaming available
  • External event

Practical information

Wednesday 6 April 2022, 10:00 (CEST)
Online only
Event website