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Building renovation with multifunctional prefabricated timber-frame façade elements

A two-day free online course for planners and manufacturing companies organised by Gumpp

Prefabricated timber-framed elements offer a cost-effective solution to renovate buildings and reduce energy consumption. Within the 4RinEU project, Gumpp & Maier GmbH (Germany) worked together with partners from research and practice like Eurac Research (Italy), Sintef (Norway) and Aderma Locatelli (Italy) to renovate three demo cases and assess this method on buildings with different characteristics and in different climate zones.

The façade modules with integrated service components were applied to the pre-existing façades to create a second shell. The planning, execution and assembly of the elements followed a digital standardised workflow that allows to find the most suitable solutions depending on the building’s needs.

In this training course for planners, manufacturing companies and other interested parties in the construction value chain, Gumpp & Maier GmbH will present the results of the 4RinEU project and will share the knowledge gained in many years of experience in the field of building renovation with prefabricated timber construction elements.

The two-day online training will provide you with the basics to be able to plan or execute this renovation method yourself.

The first part of the training deals in particular with the technical background, the development within the framework of 4RinEU and the planning of the elements. There will be interactive tasks that are worked on together in order to internalise the planning of prefabricated timber-frame elements for building renovation.

The second part deals with the practical implementation of building renovation from prefabrication and transport to assembly and commissioning. The explanations are practically illustrated by demo projects, including those from the 4RinEU project.

The course material and a recording of the webinars will be provided to participants after the sessions.

About the event

The course is free of charge upon registration.
To register, please write an email to infoatgumpp-maier [dot] de (info[at]gumpp-maier[dot]de) by the 18th of May 2021.

Attendance is limited to 20 participants.

Please note: The course will be held entirely in German. Questions can also be asked and answered in English if needed.

For further information, please contact:
Maximilian Schlehlein, Gumpp & Maier GmbH, Structural Design, Research & Development
email: m [dot] schlehleinatgumpp-maier [dot] de (m[dot]schlehlein[at]gumpp-maier[dot]de)
Tel: +49 8272 9985 287


  • innovation | research policy
  • Thursday 20 May 2021, 13:30 - Friday 21 May 2021, 12:00 (CEST)
  • Online only
  • Live streaming available
  • External event

Practical information

Thursday 20 May 2021, 13:30 - Friday 21 May 2021, 12:00 (CEST)
Online only
Project website