Research and Innovation Week - European Commission
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Research and innovation
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Research and Innovation Week

Brussels, 18 - 21 March 2024

The Research and Innovation Week (R&I Week) is the 2024 European Commission’s flagship event on research and innovation which will take place between 18 and 21 March 2024 in Tour & Taxis, Brussels, Belgium.

Celebrating the 40-year journey through the Research and Innovation Framework Programmes, the R&I Week 2024 will debate the future of R&I, shape the contribution to EU political priorities, and commemorate past and current achievements.

The R&I Week 2024 gives you the opportunity to attend:

  1. 18 March
    Opening of the R&I Week
  2. 19 March
    The EIC Summit 2024
  3. 19-20 March
    Belgian Presidency Conference on Innovation Procurement
  4. 20-21 March
    The European R&I Days 2024

Download the Programme


Join thousands of policymakers, researchers, innovators and other stakeholders, and discover high-level speakers, policy debates, funding and networking opportunities, dedicated workshops, pitching sessions to investors and exhibitions showcasing EU-funded projects.

The Research and Innovation Week is a series of events organised by the European Commission and the Belgian Presidency of the Council of the European Union.




Find out more:

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Assessing the impact and the achievements of the 40-year R&I FP and the potential for further initiatives to support Europe to become greener, fairer and more competitive.
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Deep tech will have a big impact, opening new roads towards clean technologies and biotechnologies that could provide us with energy, new materials, new medical solutions, and more and better food.
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Discover how to take Innovation Procurement to the next level in Europe! The Programme for Innovation Procurement seizes the opportunity of the Belgian EU Presidency to share its experiences and results with the rest of Europe during a two-day event.

Join me for the Research and Innovation Week 2024! As we work together to make the EU a global leader in research and innovation, it’s an excellent moment to commemorate past achievements, debate current endeavours, and lay the foundations for a future that embodies EU priorities.

Iliana Ivanova, EU Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth

