Statement by Commissioner Mariya Gabriel
Specific support for Ukrainian research and innovation
In view of the Russia’s ongoing war of aggression, Ukraine faces increasingly damaged research infrastructure, logistical and financial difficulties in maintaining research activities in the country, as well as a dangerous brain drain.
On 9 June 2022, the Agreement associating Ukraine to Horizon Europe, the EU research and innovation programme (2021-2027), and to the Euratom Research and Training Programme (2021-2025) entered into force. The Ukrainian research and innovation actors can fully participate in these programmes on equal terms with entities from the EU Member States. The Agreement applies with a retroactive effect from 1 January 2021.
Ukraine participates in the Horizon Europe and Euratom Programmes without having to contribute financially for the years 2021 and 2022 and there is a general encouragement to applicants to create opportunities for the Ukrainian research and innovation actors affected by war.

- Factsheet
- 18 November 2024
The Commission opened the Horizon Europe office in Kyiv December 2023. It will promote EU funding opportunities, offer technical support to Ukrainian researchers and innovators, and strengthen networks between Ukrainian and European institutions.
In addition, the EU has resolved to offer dedicated tangible support to the Ukrainian research and innovation community.

- Factsheet
- 18 November 2024
The factsheet gives an overview of opportunities available to research and innovators under Horizon Europe and in support of Ukraine’s closer integration into the European Research Area.
Dedicated initiatives
- Horizon Europe Office in Ukraine to support Ukrainian participation in the programme and Ukraine’s integration into the European Research Area.
- EIT RIS Community Hub in Ukraine, a one-stop-shop for opportunities found within the European Institute of Innovation and Technology
- MSCA4Ukraine (€35 million)offered fellowships to displaced researchers of Ukraine in EU and Associated Countries.
- EIC4Ukraine (€20 million) offers financial support and advice to deep tech start-ups
- ERC4Ukraine over 500 vacancies linked to ERC grants available
- Research Infrastructure (RI) service providers in health, green, digital and frontier knowledge are encouraged to offer fast track access to Ukrainian researchers
- EU Mission for Climate Neutral and Smart Cities: a €10 million action associates Ukrainian cities to the Cities Mission through the SUN4Ukraine and U_CAN projects, with support for including climate neutrality goals in local recovery plans.
- Health scientists of Ukraine can apply for support under the Human Frontier Science Program
- Excellence Hubs Initiative: Ukrainian entities encouraged to apply for ‘mentoring scheme’ on innovation
Other available support
Under the Hop On Facility, Ukrainian entities can join ongoing Horizon projects that have no partner from the Widening countries.
The Joint Research Centre (JRC) collaborates with Ukraine on nuclear safety and security, including on nuclear emergency preparedness and monitoring of radiological data through the European radiological data exchange platform. It also runs a joint fellowship initiative with the European University Institute (EUI) in science for policy competences and JRC’s calls to access its 60 unique research infrastructure facilities, including nuclear, are open to Ukraine.
Finally, JRC provides policy advice on smart specialisation and technology transfer and carries assessment work of demographic future of Ukraine and the post-war water-related needs.
Support to EaP partner countries
The European Commission is implementing a project within the Global Support Service Facility to facilitate a stronger participation of the 5 EaP countries making resources available to help increase participation in Horizon Europe.
Policy background
Ukraine is a key partner country within the European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP) and the Eastern Partnership (EaP). Bilateral cooperation with Ukraine contributes to the objectives of the Eastern Partnership.
The Agreement on Science and Technology Cooperation between Ukraine and the EU, establishes a legal basis for the science and technology cooperation between EU research organisations and Ukrainian institutes as well as state bodies. Signed on 4 July 2002n the Agreement is regularly renewed. The latest renewal was finalised in 2022 making the Agreement effective as of 8 November 2019 for a period of five years. Through the establishment of a Joint Committee, the agreement also provides a framework for dialogue to discuss the development of research and innovation policies, share best practices and increase collaboration.
Since 2016, Ukraine was fully associated to the EU’s Horizon 2020 and EURATOM Research and Training (2014- 2020) programmes. Under Horizon 2020, Ukraine participated in 230 projects, involving 323 participants, for a total funding request of €45.5m. Ukraine has been particularly strong in researchers’ mobility (MSCA), energy, climate and transport.
In EURATOM Research and Training (2014-2020), Ukrainian entities received approximately €4.9m for both fusion and fission activities. In 2016, Ukraine also benefited from the Horizon 2020 Policy Support Facility’s recommendations on research and innovation in Ukraine, which triggered a series of structural reforms for the modernisation of the national research system.
Projects and results
Project Examples from Horizon Europe
BIOMETHAVERSE: two Ukrainian entities, EKO ENERGY and the Bioenergy Association of Ukraine, participate in this strategic €12 million project to support the uptake of bio-methane green hydrogen technology in Europe in line with the priorities of the SET Plan.
TWISMA will boost scientific excellence and innovation capacity of Ukraine’s Institute for Scintillation Materials (ISMA) and its Twinning partners in developing innovative calorimeters for high energy physics based on advanced scintillation materials.
TARA project has the SKEIN office in Ukraine as the largest beneficiary of the international consortium that will develop a novel platform for the treatment of chronic migraine.
Project success stories
List of particularly successful projects involving Ukraine
Specific examples:
- DIABOLO harmonised information for forest ecosystems management
- SENSKIN new maintenance techniques in transport infrastructure
- RESPONSE eco-solutions to power the cities of the future
- EURAD handling radioactive waste management
Horizon 2020
Research project database (CORDIS)
The Commission's primary portal for results of EU-funded research projects. Here you can find International cooperation projects related to Ukraine.
National Contact Points
The National Contact Points (NCPs) provide guidance, practical information and assistance on all aspects of participation in Horizon Europe.
European Commission
Frederik Søndergaard
Policy Officer
DG Research and Innovation, Unit 03 Horizon Europe Association
Telephone: +32 229 82332 | email: Frederik [dot] SONDERGAARDec [dot] europa [dot] eu (Frederik[dot]SONDERGAARD[at]ec[dot]europa[dot]eu)
- News article
Research and innovation news alert: Twelve municipalities from across Ukraine are starting a transformative journey to climate-neutral rebuilding with support from the SUN4Ukraine initiative of the EU Climate-Neutral and Smart Cities Mission.
- 3 min read

- News article
Ukrainian municipalities can now apply to become associated to the EU Climate-Neutral and Smart Cities Mission by joining SUN4Ukraine. An initiative of the EU Cities Mission, SUN4Ukraine will provide support to Ukrainian municipalities to align recovery plans with ambitious climate neutrality goals.
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