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Research and innovation

Policy background

Montenegro’s strengths in the EU’s Framework Programmes for Research and Innovation are in the fields of Health and in Energy. The overall performance of Montenegro in Horizon 2020 had improved substantially. Montenegro is the first country in the Western Balkans implementing a Smart Specialisation Strategy focusing on strengthening innovation related aspects, which was underlined by the good number of Montenegrin participants in the Innovation in SMEs part of Horizon 2020.

Montenegro participates in the EU Research and Innovation programmes since 2008.

Montenegro became fully associated member to Horizon Europe in January 2021.

Horizon 2020 key figures

Funding opportunities

Horizon Europe

International cooperation opportunities in research and innovation can be found under Horizon Europe, the EU's key research and innovation funding programme until 2027. 

Horizon Europe website

Information flyers on Horizon Europe

Horizon Europe : apply for your funding now!

Horizon Europe - Horizon Europe calling SMEs!

Horizon Europe - Western Balkans and horizon in Europe

Horizon Europe - Are you a Horizon Europe applicant who needs some guidance? : Horizon Europe's national contact points can help you

Projects and results

Research project database (CORDIS)

The Commission's primary portal for results of EU-funded research projects. Here you can find International cooperation projects related to Montenegro.

EU funded projects

Project success stories

Stories of particularly successful EU-funded research projects involving Montenegro.

Examples of international cooperation projects

The South East European International Institute for Sustainable Technologies (SEEIIST), a Hadron Cancer Therapy and Biomedical Research facility in South East Europe. The Institute will be a regional Centre of Excellence based on the state-of-art sustainable technology, which will assure high competitiveness to the rest of Europe. The next stage in the implementation of the initiative is the Preparatory phase consisting of the development of the Concept Design Study, Business Plan and Site requirements.


National Contact Points

The National Contact Points (NCPs) provide guidance, practical information and assistance on all aspects of participation in Horizon Europe.

European Commission

Senior Expert
DG Research and Innovation, Unit 04 Horizon Europe Association

Telephone: +32 229 69615 | email: Bernhard [dot] Fabianekatec [dot] europa [dot] eu (Bernhard[dot]Fabianek[at]ec[dot]europa[dot]eu)



Publication cover
  • Factsheet
  • 2 February 2022
Research and innovation cooperation with Montenegro

Montenegro is working on a host of promising research and innovation projects as part of its European path. Regional cooperation and collaboration amongst researchers to further build capacity in R&I is part of the process.

  • 21 DECEMBER 2021
Agreement associating Montenegro to Horizon Europe
