Facts and Figures for open research data - European Commission
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Facts and Figures for open research data

Figures and case studies related to accessing and reusing the data produced in the course of scientific production.

What is open research data?

Open research data refers to the data underpinning scientific research results that has no restrictions on its access, enabling anyone to access it.

The indicators chosen are

  • availability of data repositories
  • policies of research funders and journals
  • researchers' attitude towards data sharing

You can download the chart and its data through the dedicated menu within each chart (top right of the image). 

For more information, see the methodology report.

Number of repositories

This indicator includes the research data repositories included in Re3data.

Funders' policies

This indicator covers the types of mandates established by research funders concerning data archiving, as displayed in the Sherpa-Juliet database.

Journals' policies

This indicator shows journals' policies on open data, as reported in Vasilevsky, 2017.

Researchers' attitude towards data sharing

This indicator shows how researchers share data and their underlying attitudes, based on the survey for the 2017 report "Open data : The researcher perspective" and the results of a second online survey carried out between October/November 2018 (see the methodological note for additional information).

Additional indicators

There are other indicators to monitor open research data, such as:

Case studies

You can find here a set of detailed case studies available for download, that will be updated over time.

  • Open Hardware Licences: parallels and contrasts

    An overview of the implications of open hardware licensing through the analysis of the four most relevant licences in current use.


    An overview on the drivers, the barriers, and the impact of (using) ORCID, a registry that provides unique identifiers for anyone who contributes to research, scholarship, and innovation.

  • Citizen Science in the Surveillance and Monitoring of Mosquito-Borne Diseases

    A case study focusing on the use of citizen science methods in the surveillance and monitoring of mosquitos in the Global Mosquito Alert project, with a particular overview on the Spanish Mosquito Alert project.

  • Open Metadata of Scholarly Publications

    An overview of open metadata of scholarly publications, from drivers and barriers to impact, lessons learnt and policy conclusions.

  • Electronic Laboratory Notebooks (ELNs) as Key Enablers of Open Science

    Electronic Laboratory Notebooks (ELNs) are multi-functional data managers that, when properly used, can help to promote the implementation of the FAIR data principles for scientific data management and stewardship and open science that aim to make scientific data Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Re-usable.

  • Research Data Alliance

    An international grassroots organisation that promotes international collaboration and global sharing mechanisms to remove social and technical barriers to research data sharing and reuse.

  • Pistoia Alliance

    The Pistoia Alliance is an example of a global pre-competitive collaboration between competitors and academia that work together in pre-competitive research.

  • The Role of DataCite in Researchers’ Data Sharing and Data (re)Use Practices

    DataCite is an international non-for-profit organisation which aims to improve data citation by providing persistent identifiers (Digital Object Identifiers, DOIs) for research data.


    REANA is a reusable and reproducible research data analysis platform enabling users to re-use and reinterpret preserved data analysis years after the original publication, facilitating reproducibility of scientific results.

  • Open Targets

    An innovative, large-scale, public-private collaboration on pre-competitive research that provides comprehensive and up to date data for drug target identification and prioritisation.

  • Yoda

    An initiative to increase access and availability of clinical research data and to promote the re-use of such data to create new knowledge. YODA facilitates access to full clinical trial data made available by third party Data Holders to promote research that supports scientific endeavours and public health.

  • The Netherlands’ Plan on Open Science

    Three key ambitions for open science: 100% open access to publications, research data made optimally suitable for reuse, and evaluation and valuation systems to recognize and reward researchers.

  • Structural Genomics Consortium

    Open access to research results on less well-studied areas.

  • FAIRport

    Aiming to provide a minimal but comprehensive framework for developing and implementing good management and stewardship of research data and metadata in life sciences.

  • Zenodo

    A general-purpose open access repository of research data and journal publications.

  • Reproducibility Project

    A collaborative effort to replicate 100 psychology experiments.

  • Sloan Digital Sky Survey

    An astronomical survey, collecting large data sets to reflect the large-scale structure of our universe in multi-coloured images.

  • Figshare and GenBank

    How open research data repositories can contribute to open science, how they can operate, and their coverage.
