European Innovation Partnerships (EIPs) - European Commission
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European Innovation Partnerships (EIPs)

Details of partnerships that aim to better coordinate different levels of existing financial instruments and initiatives

What are European Innovation Partnerships (EIPs)?

EIPs are partnerships that bring together relevant parties at EU, national and regional levels to streamline, simplify and better coordinate existing financial instruments and initiatives. They focus on challenges that can benefit society, modernise sectors and markets.

They are launched in areas where it is clear that combining EU, national and regional efforts in research and development will produce effective results. 

EIPs aim to 

  • coordinate investments in demonstration and pilots
  • anticipate and fast-track any necessary regulation and standards
  • better coordinate public procurement so breakthroughs are quickly brought to market


Existing EIPs

Active and Healthy Ageing (EIP-AHA)

Aims to identify and remove persisting barriers to innovation across the health and care delivery chain, through interdisciplinary and cross-sectoral approaches.

EIP-AHA website

Agricultural Productivity and Sustainability

Works to foster competitive, sustainable farming and forestry to ensure a steady supply of food, feed and biomaterials.

EIP-AGRI website

Smart Cities and Communities (EIP-SCC)

Works to improve urban life through more sustainable integrated solutions, including applied innovation, better planning, a more participatory approach, higher energy efficiency, better transport solutions, intelligent use of information and communication technologies (ICT) and more.

EIP-SCC website

Raw Materials (EIP Raw Materials)

Contributes to the security of a sustainable supply of raw materials to the European economy whilst increasing benefits for society as a whole. The partnership also aims to help raise industry's contribution to the EU GDP. 

EIP Raw Materials website