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Research and innovation

Industrial research and the Commission's priorities

What we do for the European Commission's priorities

Industrial research and innovation has a direct impact on 3 of the 6 European Commission priorities.

European Green Deal

The European Green Deal provides an action plan to boost the efficient use of resources by moving to a clean, circular economy, to restore biodiversity and to cut pollution. Through Horizon Europe the European Commission is investing in sustainable technologies.

Emphasising the importance of research and innovation to achieve the Zero Pollution Ambition of the Green Deal, the European Commission published a report on how results from Horizon 2020 projects contribute to the 9 flagships of the Zero Pollution Action Plan. This report also gives an overview of projects, missions and the partnerships in the pipeline.

The European Partnership Processes4Planet aims at climate-neutral demonstrators by 2030 and will launch large hubs for circularity by 2025. The European Partnership Made in Europe targets circular processes, products and business models. 

The Safe- and Sustainable-by-Design framework and criteria as well as the European Partnership for the Assessment of Risks from Chemicals (PARC) will be enablers for the EU Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability.

An economy that works for people

People and businesses in the EU can only thrive if the economy works for them. New disruptive technologies are fundamental for the development of prosperous economies, but they may cause societal challenges such as rising inequality or new digital business models that threaten traditional welfare states (e.g. the platform economy).

The EU must be prepared for the future of work putting people at the centre of its policies. The European skills agenda pursues a shift in upskilling (improving existing skills) and reskilling (training in new skills) of the industrial workforce.

The Transitions Performance Index has the ambition to measure what counts for prosperity, motivating decision-makers to act towards sustainable, fair, just, empowering societies.

A Europe fit for the digital age

Digital technologies are profoundly changing people’s lives. The EU’s digital strategy aims to make this transformation work for people and businesses, while helping to achieve its target of a climate-neutral Europe by 2050.

Research and innovation through the European Partnership Made in Europe will boost a circular and competitive European manufacturing industry through technologies like artificial intelligence and robotics.

Data interoperability and quality, as well as their structure, authenticity and integrity are key for the exploitation of the data value, especially in the context of AI deployment.

The European Partnership on Metrology ensures the accuracy, precision and access to data and its security. These are key features of the digital transition.


Publication cover
Report26 October 2022
Horizon projects supporting the Zero Pollution Action Plan

This report provides a brief overview of the contribution of selected Horizon 2020 projects to the nine flagships of the zero pollution action plan. It identifies new projects and Horizon Europe partnerships in the pipeline and raises awareness about the five EU missions and their contribution to achieving the zero pollution ambition.
