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Research and innovation

Registrations now OPEN to take part in the European Citizens’ Hackathon Championship 2024 for solutions to climate change

To engage more citizens in research and innovation on climate change, DG Research and Innovation has launched the first European Citizens’ Hackathon Championship.

In 22 countries citizens’ hackathons are being organised until the beginning of September. You can still register to take part:

This new action will boost solutions to climate change that are driven by citizens’ needs and co-created with citizens, together with industry, cities, regions, public administrations and of course, research communities. It will also support the EU Mission on Climate Neutral and Smart Cities and the EU Mission on Adaptation to Climate Change to empower citizens to shape the future, mitigating and adapting to climate change.

The aim of the European Citizens’ Hackathon Championship is to valorise knowledge with citizen engagement as a driving force. At the same time, it supports the EU missions to empower citizens as co-creators of technological and social innovation solutions that respond to their needs and help address our climate objectives.

The first phase will be a series of local hackathons hosted by 22  organisations across Europe (EU member states and associated states). Teams composed of citizens and researchers will compete for the best solutions to climate change challenges. The winning teams will be trained and mentored through a specifically developed program to further develop their ideas and prepare them for competing at the EU final.

At the second phase, the winning teams of all the local hackathons compete with each other at a final European hackathon for 3 European Champions. The Champions will be further supported to promote their solutions for societal and market uptake through a support programme dedicated to their needs. The European final that will award the 3 champions will take place in October 2024.

The Championship will be implemented mostly online with the services of a consortium, that has been selected following a call for tenders.

More information and full calendar of the hackathons


If you would like more information, contact RTD-VALORISATION-POLICIES-IPRatec [dot] europa [dot] eu (RTD-VALORISATION-POLICIES-IPR[at]ec[dot]europa[dot]eu)