Code of practice on industry-academia co-creation for knowledge valorisation - European Commission Skip to main content
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Code of practice on industry-academia co-creation for knowledge valorisation

About the code of practice

The Code of practice on industry-academia co-creation for knowledge valorisation  provides practical guidance and tools for research and innovation actors. It facilitates the creation of an enabling environment and of thriving conditions for industry-academia co-creation for improved knowledge valorisation. It introduces a new strategic approach for industry and academia to actively seek for common interests and jointly produce and valorise knowledge.

Why we need a Code of practice on industry-academia

Efficient industry-academia collaboration is key to accelerate the uptake of innovative solutions and to develop new technologies, products, and services to address pressing societal challenges, such as the green and digital transitions.

In line with the Guiding Principles, the new Code of practice emphasises the importance of entrepreneurial skills and practices. It fosters the use of interactive models, joint facilities and digital platforms among others for improved knowledge sharing and valorisation in industry-academia collaboration.

The Code of practice is addressed to all those involved in research and innovation. The recommendations build on the input from the community of practice on industry-academia collaboration for knowledge valorisation that brought together more than 210 participants from 25 EU and 11 other countries.

Main elements of the Code of practice

Creating an enabling environment for industry-academia co-creation

  1. Strategy, awareness raising and incentives
    The Code encourages organisations to integrate industry-academia co-creation in their strategies, to raise awareness about the opportunities arising from these activities and to create incentives to participate in industry-academia collaboration. 
  2. Skills development and lifelong learning
    The Code offers recommendations on investing in developing relevant skills and lifelong learning tools e.g. by encouraging coaching, mentoring, the use of micro-credentials and vocational training, and strengthening transversal, entrepreneurial, and leadership skills.
  3. Networking and communication
    The Code calls for investing in networking, communication and relationship-building to facilitate industry-academia co-creation e.g. by participating in relevant events, networks, exchanges, joint working groups and advisory boards, and by using digital platforms and brokerage for match-making.


Managing industry-academia co-creation for effective knowledge valorisation

  1. Conditions for successful partnerships
    The Code recommends to develop a comprehensive joint industry-academia partnership framework based on a shared vision, goals and expectations which should include a clear governance structure and joint intellectual assets management strategy among other elements.
  2. Involving intermediaries
    The Code calls for fostering the role of intermediaries, which should be supported with adequate resources, and encourages researchers and innovators to engage with these actors e.g. for mediation, communication, intellectual assets management and regulatory advice.
  3. Strengthening the valorisation of co-creation outcomes
    The Code recommends to pool resources and engage in joint infrastructures and facilities, where adequate, and to valorise the outcomes of industry-academia co-creation activities for impact e.g. through a valorisation plan including rules on ownership and control for each expected result and by identifying results with high innovation potential.
  4. Assessing outcomes, value created and impact
    The Code includes recommendations on defining appropriate metrics (including qualitative metrics and the use of case studies for societal impact), on the fair and equitable sharing of the value generated by the partnership and on considerations for future co-creation activities.