About this cluster
The Climate Change and Health cluster was launched in 2022 (with €59 million in EU funding) and is composed of 6 projects selected under call HORIZON-HLTH-2021-ENVHLTH-02-03 of Horizon Europe:
The cluster is expected to continue its activities until 2026 and will deliver up-to-date scientific evidence to support EU policy on climate adaptation and resilience and global climate policies and contribute to the objectives of the European Climate and Health Observatory.
Climate change represents a rapidly evolving global threat that is exacerbating social inequalities, undermining food and water security, and placing human health at risk.
Health impacts derived from climate change are still under extensive study in order to understand how to protect the health and wellbeing of citizens through climate change mitigation actions and the adoption of health-promoting behaviours.
It is also crucial that such action contributes to the adaptation of our society to climate change, including that of the health sector (to ensure that the risks of climate-related health outcomes can be properly managed and prevented).
The EU is committed to climate action with the EU strategy on adaptation to climate change (adopted in 2021) and by improving knowledge initiatives such as Climate-ADAPT led by the European Climate and Health Observatory.
The EU Mission on Adaptation to Climate Change is another tool through which the EU aims to support its regions and cities in building resilience against the impacts of climate change. EU Missions are funded and supported by Horizon Europe.
These actions fall under the scope of the European Green Deal, which aims to promote clean energy, reduce emissions, increase energy efficiency of existing infrastructure, foster climate neutrality, strengthen the security of food systems, protect biodiversity and reduce pollution.