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European Urban Health Cluster

About this cluster

The European Urban Health Cluster (also known as UHC) was launched in 2021 (with €30 million in EU funding) and is composed of 6 projects selected under call SC1-BHC-29-2020 of Horizon 2020:

The cluster is expected to continue its activities until 2026. The projects are collaborating on and promoting the importance of considering health and well-being in urban-related strategies (such as promoting physical and/or mental health or reducing health inequalities) for better living in urban areas of the EU.


Urban health refers to the wellbeing and health of people who live in cities. It focuses on the links between common chronic health conditions and the urban environment.

Stressors found in urban environments that may affect health include factors like air, light and noise pollution, and heat stress due to high temperatures, but also social factors such as limited housing, energy poverty, availability of green and blue spaces and employment opportunities.

Past EU efforts that have contributed to improving the health and wellbeing of people living in urban areas include the Urban Agenda for the EU, under which several partnerships have been established in areas like air quality, climate adaptation, and mobility. Importantly, some of these partnerships also tackle factors that influence mental health in cities, namely on housing, inclusion of newcomers (e.g., refugees) jobs, etc.

On the side of technological innovation, the EU is a strong proponent of cities across the EU becoming greener and smarter in order to help them become more sustainable in the future and leverage the latest digital technologies to increase the efficiency of their operations.

Accordingly, the Horizon Europe programme also supports the EU Mission on Climate-Neutral and Smart Cities, aiming to deliver 100 climate-neutral and smart cities by 2030. The 100 cities that are taking part are from across all 27 member states and beyond, ensuring broad geographical coverage and equal representation.

Prior to Horizon Europe, Horizon 2020 has also contributed to the urban health agenda of the EU, with the Urban Health Cluster.

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Highlights from this cluster