Joint programming initatives with EU countries - European Commission
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Joint programming initatives with EU countries

Joint programming initiatives in the field of marine and maritime research.

Objective of joint programming

The objective of joint programming is to increase the value of relevant national and EU research and development funding by concerted and joint planning, implementation and evaluation of national research programmes.

More information about joint programming

Joint programming initiatives in marine research

Healthy and Productive Seas and Oceans (JPI Oceans)

JPI Oceans covers all European sea basins with 21 participating countries.

It is dedicated to research on marine issues and will develop long-term partnerships and structures to link marine research and general marine environment policy. 

JPI Oceans website

Blue Bioeconomy Public-Public Partnership

Aquatic biomass from the seas and oceans, rivers and lakes has a large potential to ensure future food and nutrition security and to supply raw materials for other high added value chains and products, such as bioenergy, pharmaceuticals and cosmetics while factoring in environment and climate change risks.

This partnership will aim to use this potential.

Details of the call for proposal


The MarTERA consortium, consisting of 16 collaborating countries, organised and co-funded together with the EU one joint call for transnational research projects on different thematic areas in 2017

Aadditional joint activities are planned, in order to contribute tonational priorities as well as to the Strategic Research Agenda of JPI Oceans

MarTERA website