The EU and nature-based solutions
The ambition of research and innovation policy is to position the EU as leader in innovating with nature to achieve more sustainable and resilient societies.
The Commission defines nature-based solutions as
“Solutions that are inspired and supported by nature, which are cost-effective, simultaneously provide environmental, social and economic benefits and help build resilience. Such solutions bring more, and more diverse, nature and natural features and processes into cities, landscapes and seascapes, through locally adapted, resource-efficient and systemic interventions.”
Nature-based solutions must therefore benefit biodiversity and support the delivery of a range of ecosystem services.
Read more about Commission research and innovation policy on nature-based solutions
Global context
Nature-based solutions have been gaining momentum in the past few years. On the international stage, 2022 was a pivotal year for the incorporation of nature-based solutions in key intergovernmental agreements.
In March 2022, the fifth United Nations Environment Assembly adopted 14 resolutions to strengthen actions for nature to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals. Among these, world governments formally agreed on a definition of nature-based solutions (UNEP/EA.5/Res.5).
At the UNFCCC COP27, nature-based solutions emerged for their potential to address climate change and featured in the Sharm el-Sheikh Implementation Plan. The Egyptian COP27 Presidency, Germany and IUCN also announced the ENACT initiative for nature-based solutions.
Nature-based solutions are relevant to the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework (specifically targets 8, 11 and 12), adopted during the fifteenth meeting of the Convention on Biological Diversity Conference of the Parties (CBD COP15). The Framework sets out an ambitious pathway to reach the global vision of a world living in harmony with nature by 2050.
Finally, nature-based solutions also featured in resolution XIV.17 of the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands COP14.
Both the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) and the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) recognise the role of nature-based solutions in addressing the twin biodiversity and climate crises.
Nature-based Solutions: How to regenerate nature to make neighborhoods more livable, biodiverse, and resilient to climate change
This is a free and self-paced course available in English and in Spanish that guides the participant through 3 different aspects of deploying locally-attuned nature-based solutions:
- Design and implement effective nature-based solutions
- Engage local communities with municipal actors in the co-creative processes involved
- Generate environmental, social and economic benefits for your city
The 7 interactive modules feature videos from industry leaders, case studies, quizzes and additional reading.

Funding opportunities
On this page you can find more information, the work programme and a link to the Funding and Tenders Portal
Relevant calls may be found in different sub-programmes and in particular the Nature and Biodiversity sub-programme and the Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation sub-programme.
Environment research related calls may be found in different funding programmes including Regional Development and Cohesion funds, the Recovery and Resilience Facility, Agriculture and Maritime Policy funds and the Just Transition Fund.
Research calls funded through the European Biodiversity Partnership (Biodiversa+)
COST funds interdisciplinary research networks, which bring together researchers, innovators and other professionals including industry specialists, to collaborate on research topics. COST acts as a pre-portal for further research and innovation funding such as Horizon Europe.
Projects and results
Factsheet (2024)
The Commission's primary portal for the results of EU-funded research projects
Open platform repository of nature-based solution case studies
Database of EU research and innovation projects on nature-based solutions
Interactive map showing 1000 examples of nature-based solutions from across 100 European cities
A collection of more than 250 good practice policy instruments supporting nature-based solutions and ecosystem restoration.
Thematic collection of innovative EU-funded nature-based solutions research results (CORDIS, 2020)
Access to real-time programme data with the ability to filter by country, region, theme and more
Platform where framework programme participants present their results for you to search, contact their owners, and form partnerships
Collaboration and jobs
Platform hosting the community of EU-funded nature-based solutions projects, providing resources, dissemination opportunities and avenues for collaboration (in particular through horizontal Task Forces and Regional and National Hubs)
Networking opportunities and marketplace to promote the output of your project or network
An online marketplace connecting potential buyers with suppliers of nature-based solutions who can help to design, deliver, manage and monitor nature-based solutions
Includes a partnership on sustainable land use and nature-based solutions
Researcher jobs in the field of nature-based solutions
Find partners for open EU calls for proposal
Scientific publications, tools and databases
Nature-based solutions knowledge database
Online library of EU research publications on nature-based solutions
Enhancing the knowledge base, facilitate its sharing and foster cross-sectorial policy dialogue for EU policy making in biodiversity and related fields such as nature-based solutions
Platform for sharing data and information to inform decision making on climate adaptation
The platform provides relevant knowledge, data and resources to European regional and local authorities to prepare and plan for climate resilience.
This platform aims to provide guidance and knowledge to support towns and cities in enhancing and restoring their urban nature and biodiversity, along with links to other relevant European Commission initiatives and policies.
Scientific research publications on nature-based solutions published by the European Commission's Joint Research Centre (JRC)
Single point of access to open data produced by the EU institutions - all data free to use for commercial and non-commercial purposes
Portico is the European urban knowledge platform to support better urban policy and strategy design, implementation, and mainstreaming. The platform connects urban actors with the knowledge, people, and initiatives they need to implement sustainable urban development.
Resources on nature-based solutions produced with EU research & innovation funding

Cooperation in research and innovation between the European Union (EU) and Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) is gaining momentum, with nature-based solutions (NbS) emerging as a central priority.

Exploring the state-of-play of Nature-based Solutions in the EU and LAC: Building a foundation for collaboration. This publication provides an overview of the current Nature-based Solutions landscape in both regions, and outlines pathways for deepening bi-regional cooperation through knowledge-sharing, policy alignment, and joint action.
- Tendiendo puentes entre continentes
Análisis de los avances de las soluciones basadas en la naturaleza en la UE y ALC : sentando las bases de la colaboración.
español - Criando pontes entre continentes
Panorama das soluções baseadas na natureza na UE e na ALC : lançando as bases para a colaboração.
Guidelines for co-creation and co-governance of nature-based solutions
Harnessing the power of collaboration for nature-based solutions
Investing in nature-based solutions
The vital role of nature-based solutions in a nature positive economy
Discover the EU-funded projects contributing the biodiversity preservation dialogue at the conference in Cali, Colombia.
A new independent report shed light on the state of play of nature-based solutions (NbS) in the European Union and Latin America and the Caribbean and show possible pathways towards closer collaboration on NbS between both regions.