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Cross-cutting issues

Cross-cutting issues related to climate change science, including mitigation-adaptation-biodiversity-X nexus

What cross-cutting issues are and why they matter

Climate change and climate action increasingly intersect with multiple dimensions of human and natural world. Not only are mitigation and adaptation two sides of the same coin, but their interactions are inherently complex. Progress on mitigation will largely determine the demand for and the effectiveness of adaptation, with limits being reached at higher levels of warming. At the same time, mitigation pathways themselves must be resilient to the changing climate, particularly the occurrence of extremes. 

The IPCC stresses the urgency to advance climate resilient development that combines deep emissions reductions and climate adaptation together, making a strong case for better coordination and integration of climate policies and actions.

The IPCC also emphasises that more integration is needed between mitigation, adaptation and sustainable development, while accounting for the fairness dimension. Also, strong links exist between climate change and biodiversity loss, with climate related impacts on ecosystems and biodiversity likely to limit our future ability to adapt and mitigate.

EU-funded research aims at providing a more complete overview of how adaptation and mitigation interact with each other and with other policy objectives, forming a basis for a more strategic and comprehensive approach to policy design and implementation.

The cross-cutting category also includes other projects of horizontal nature, including coordination and support actions.

EU projects

Projects currently supported by Horizon Europe under Destination 1 “Climate sciences and responses for the transformation towards climate neutrality” of Cluster 5 (Climate, Energy and Mobility).

2021 call

2022 call


Publication cover
  • Report
  • 16 February 2024
The next frontier for climate change science

Insights from the authors of the IPCC 6th assessment report on knowledge gaps and priorities for research.