Plant health - European Commission
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Research and innovation

Why does research and innovation on plant health matter?

Plant health is under mounting pressure due to the increasing number and frequency of new and reemerging pests resulting from intensification, globalisation, trade development and climate change, which increase their potential to establish themselves and spread.

The introduction and spread of plant pests are a serious threat that can have far-reaching economic, social and environmental consequences.

European agriculture and forestry need to be granted sufficient means to cope with these threats to ensure their vital functions, avoid trade disruptions and ensure consumer confidence in food by mitigating the potential risks to plant health.

Tackling numerous and highly dynamic biotic threats requires integrated approaches and the development of a wide range of tools for prevention, monitoring, control and management of pests and diseases along with risk management strategies. This includes seeking alternatives to contentious pesticides.

Funding opportunities

Calls for proposals and funding information related to agriculture, forestry and rural areas

Some plant health related calls may be found in this programme

Projects and results

Collaboration and jobs

Search and view profiles of all organisations that have received funding via the funding and tenders Portal

Scientific publications, tools and databases

Single point of access to open data produced by the EU institutions. All data is free to use for commercial and non-commercial purposes

You can access all scientific publications from Horizon 2020 via OpenAIRE

Access to data from the Copernicus programme