Joint programming with EU countries - European Commission
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Joint programming with EU countries

What is joint programming?

EU countries manage around 90% of the public funds invested in agricultural research and innovation in the EU. The European Commission fosters synergies between the programmes of the EU countries and its own programme, with the objective to build the European research area (ERA) in agriculture.

There are three main types of initiatives:

  • Joint programming initiatives (JPIs);
  • European research area networks (ERA-NETs);
  • European Joint programmes (EJPs).

Joint programming initiatives in agriculture

JPIs are developed in a structured and strategic process where EU countries agree on a voluntary basis on common visions and Strategic research agendas (SRA) to address major challenges that face society.

The main JPI of interest to agriculture and forestry research is agriculture, food security and climate change (FACCE-JPI).

The following JPIs also contribute:

European research area networks in agriculture

ERA-NET under Horizon 2020 is a funding instrument designed to support public-public partnerships in their preparation, establishment of networking structures, design and implementation and coordination of joint activities. The instruments mainly top-up funding for single joint calls and transnational actions.

The main ERA-NETs funded under Horizon 2020 of interest to agriculture and forestry research are:

European Joint Programmes (EJPs)

The EJP Cofund under Horizon 2020 is an action designed to support coordinated national research and innovation programmes and is co-funded by the EU and EU countries. The EJP Cofund aims to attract and pool a critical mass of national resources related to the objectives and challenges of Horizon 2020 and achieve significant economies of scale by adding the related Horizon 2020 resources.

The EJP Cofund allows the implementation of a joint programme of activities, ranging from research and innovation projects to coordination and networking activities, as well as training activities, demonstration and dissemination activities, support to third parties, etc.

The EJP Cofund supports direct consortium activities and/or (single or multiple) calls for proposals for financial support to third parties.

There are two European Joint Programmes in the area of agriculture and forestry:

Candidate for European partnerships

Horizon Europe will support European partnerships with EU countries, the private sector, foundations and other stakeholders. The aim is to deliver on global challenges and industrial modernisation through concerted research and innovation efforts.

The Horizon Europe proposal lays down the conditions and principles for establishing European Partnerships

Among the eight candidate partnerships identified under Horizon Europe cluster 6, three are of highest relevant for research and innovation in agriculture, forestry and rural areas: